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The greatest rapper alive!!!!!!!!!!!

Person 1 - Lil Wayne is the best!!!

Person 2 - Fuck Wayne!!!!!!! Is all about Nas!!!!!!!!

by Biggielover October 25, 2009

23๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž


Opposite of "Yas." It has a more postive vibe than "no"

Grandmother: "Jordan, did you open your Christmas gifts yet?"
Jordan: "Nas, grandma. I'll do it now."

by Presidentrolf September 28, 2016


Niggas aint shit

Bitch guess what ! Onar cheated on me ! I swear nas

by Housorkfuenhwjd May 17, 2019

5๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


By far the best rapper alive.

I never sleep (cuz im listining to nas all day) cuz sleep is the cousin of death.
I like him, Big L, Biggie, Pac, and other artists you don't know about.

by NiggaPelease March 1, 2010

70๐Ÿ‘ 48๐Ÿ‘Ž


Nas, or Nasty Nas is an American New York rapper whose debut album Illmatic is arguably the greatest full-length debut hip-hop album to date. He's also known for the notorious diss track Ether which caused Jay-Z to cry on national radio. He may have never been able to reproduce an album like Illmatic but one could argue Nas is definitely stillmatic.

Nas was only 20 when he released the greatest lyricism the world has ever witnessed on his critically acclaimed album Illmatic. Nas' diss track on Jay-Z was lethal. Nasty Nas is truly in your area causing mad hysteria.

by thebigpenis42069 January 16, 2019


Niggas aint shit

Selena: he cheated on her
Skylar: woow nas

by yourpseudonymaintshit June 17, 2019


Niggas aint shit

mostly used in the Midwest

Nosey bitch - Yo Bri, Tay fucked around with his gfs sister
Bri - damn Nas

by ogchumbucket December 7, 2018