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He is the most gorgeous guy you could ever meet and makes you melt just by seeing him. With a super cute smile and the cutest, brightest eyes in all the world he makes your world light up just by the sight of him. With such perfect hair you want to run your hands through and a body as shaped and sexy as a model's. When you see him you get butterflies in your stomach and feel like your floating, you instantly stop and stare at him wanting him to be closer instantly. He is a person who you could spend all day talking to and not get bored of without mentioning him being incredible in bed. He is charming, funny and romantic and makes you feel so lucky to know him, he always helps create the best memories. Everybody should have him in their lives and the world would be a much brighter place. You can never get enough of Nathaniel and you always want him to be there for you, making you feel special and just being the perfect guy he is.

Me: I'm the luckiest person ever to find Nathaniel, I don't deserve him

by BeckyXD2000 August 9, 2016

23πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


One of the greatest guys you’ll ever meet! He is so sweet and kind , he can be shy and he can be fun depending on his comfort level with you. Making plans and invite him he’ll never flake. He’s the kind of guy who knows what a good time is . Definitely plays sports and is very strong and athletic. He cares very much about his friends and his girlfriend. And if you mess with any of them or his family he will come out to get you. He’s the kind of guy you don’t wanna bump on purpose in the hallway. He will always be there for you when you need him and he will never let you fall alone. If you get yourself a Nathaniel don’t let him go!

Nathaniel or nicknamed wise (nate) is so sweet !
You are so lucky to be with him he’s so great

by Wes Collin April 25, 2019

12πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


One of the most supportive people you will ever meet. Good Nathaniel s are hard to find and when you meet one, they will be stubborn and mysterious to protect their feelings and of others. He will always discourage you to love him so always softly and naturally enter his heart. This will take a lot of love, time, and patience so be prepared for anything. Nathaniel will always tell you that you are beautiful no matter what you think, say or do that can go against it. He will fight for you when times get rough, and will NEVER give up on you. They can also be very protective about his girl and the friends in his life, but will literally sucker-punch the fuck outta a guy for you that disrespects you. He will always care about you, and does not like secrets to be held between you and him. He will always be there when you need him even if you are miles apart, he will always find a way to reach out to you and into your heart. Once you get to know him well, his sexual attraction to you gets more powerful with more and more love you put into him, but be careful, he likes getting a little rough if it means he’s loving his babygirl. But overall, Nathaniel will be the best of all worlds, and although he might not be perfect, he will always stride to make you and him perfect together.

me: β€œ I love Nathaniel β€œ
side hoe: β€œ I love him too..”

me : β€œ NIBBA DA FUCK”
also me : * drags her *

by reeeeeee :> August 5, 2019

14πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


Nathaniel /nate is amazing. He is the best boyfriend ever and he's the cutest. He has black/brown long curly hair and very pretty brown eyes he is soooo cuteeeeee and I love him with all of myy heart. He's very cool and likes anime and has gun anddd he can skateboard. He likes to play games and be on call with me. He is the best, no matter what he says he is the best and the cutest everr

I love you nate

Me:Nathaniel is so cute

Me: yes

by Mrs.piggywiggyyy December 27, 2021


a man of few words. One that tends to keep to himself, despite his longing for a true friend to confide in. He doesn't realize the impact he has on others around him. One look, and he'll have your stomach filled with butterflies, and you wrapped around his finger no matter how bad you want to deny it. He often times wears a tough exterior, hiding his painful past with dry humor and his charming way about him. He doesn't even realize how attractive he is, both physically and with the way he acts. He's one of a kind for sure. But most importantly, he's a typical Aries ;)

"oh my goodness Nathaniel is a catch"

by Your fellow memer October 15, 2020

11πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


Nathaniel is a kind sweet guy, who is always there to help. he loves to draw and read. Also, Nathaniel loves writing stories. He'll do anything for the girl he likes and is shy to tell her he loves her. He'll do anything to get her to love him back. Those blue-green eyes are so cute, and that brown hair is so smooth. If you have a Nathaniel in your life, consider yourself Lucky.

Girl 1: Look at that guy! He's so nice and cute!
Girl 2: I know! I think he has a HUGE crush on me! His name is Nathaniel!
Girl 1: Lucky! *FROWNS*

by NameLoverUnknown November 2, 2018

11πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


totally awesome guy, passionate, hard working, has an amazing sense of humor, a sexy body and will take the shirt of his back for you

Girl 1: Did you see Nathaniel?
Girl 2: Yeah I needed a shirt and he took his off and gave it to me.

Girl 1: I wish I were there.
Girl 2: He does have a fine body.

by beavwa February 3, 2010

1289πŸ‘ 657πŸ‘Ž