Source Code


Someone most likely named Joel who put their name into here for a trend.

Joel: "Let's try that trend and take my first and last letter of my name away and put it in the urban dictionary."

Urban dictonary: "OE"

by IdiotThatLikesMemes October 7, 2021

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He's a very handsome guy
Good looking and hot!

Noel is a very hot guy!

by Psychich April 30, 2021

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Your name is probably Zoey, but you made your name like this for tik tok...

Zoey: :0 name trend?
Zoey: Let’s do it!
Audio: remove the first letter in your name and the last one
Zoey:Ok! *gets oe*

by Ughidkwhattoputmyuseras100000 June 18, 2020

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A word made up by macy

I made a new word called oe

by AUASSASSIN January 17, 2019

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triple oe

Similar to a Triple OG (Original Gangster), but in this case, a misled Triple OG. Hence a Triple OE (the 'E' standing for 'Ediot' - which I believe to be an ironic spelling of 'Idiot'.

'I've got a huge gangster car, but I had it confiscated last week by the police for not paying my licence'
'Man, you used to be a Triple OG, but now you're just a Triple OE!'

by MurphySwagPolice December 20, 2013


the girl who always says sheesh and weirdo

straight up gangsta

by jmoney April 25, 2004

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females that are wild'n out

You shoulda been at that party there were buttnaked-oes e'rywhere.

by hipson December 2, 2007