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oakland raiders

The winningest team since 1963. We are committed to excellence. Although we are currently struggling, the Raiders shall rise again. We're the team who racists despise because they are just haters. They can't stand to see a team wearing BLACK, who play in a predominately BLACK city, in front of a DIVERSE fan base. HATERS!!!

Raider Fan: I am a fan of the Oakland Raiders. The greatest team ever!

Panthers Fan: Boy, you ain't knows whats you's talkin' bout. Yal need to come on down fo a downhome swang.

Raider Fan: What are you saying, loser? Why don't you go get yourself an education.

by Rayder September 27, 2006

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Oakland raiders barge

When I have sex with my girlfriend and like 10 or 12 of my friends bash through the wall in a pirate ship dressed as Oakland Raiders fans and pirates and then they beat the shit out of my girlfriend

Yo want to go Oakland Raiders barge Justin's girlfriend? booty

by Wwwiss May 1, 2014

Oakland Raiders breakup

When you breakup with your broke, but loyal ex for someone else who is much richer while continuing to live in your ex's house for 2+ years while your new BF/GF builds a new, lavish house that your ex could never afford to buy.

Guy 1: I can't believe Brian left Allie for that snobby whore Briana! They've been together for years!
Guy 2: But the last time I was at Allie's place, Brian was still there.
Guy 1: Well, they still gotta live together to pay rent until Brian moves in with Briana. Its an Oakland Raiders breakup.

by HorrifyingDihareeaSludge Chili March 29, 2017

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Sure, and the Oakland Raiders will win the next Superbowl

A term that simultaneously says that a person is wrong about something and insults the Oakland Raiders' inability to play football.

Mike: Did you know that McDonalds is extremely healthy now?
George: Sure, and the Oakland Raiders will win the next Superbowl.

by mosuperbowl August 27, 2012

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