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obvious stator

Someone that constantly states the obvious things that everyone knows already and the person reassures them of the obvious.

Sarah just said; I am thirsty I think I will get a drink of wster. She is such an obvious stator.

by Fuzzy Faded December 13, 2020

captian obvious

Someone who states something that is extremely obvious to the rest of us.
A person who is a little slower than the rest of us only to bring something to our attention way after it already happens.

C.O.- Hey ya'll the sky is blue!
U.S.- Thanks for the update Captian Obvious!

C.O.- That whore gave me the clap.
U.S.- No shit Captian Obvious that why she didn't charge you!

by Scotty C. November 15, 2007

19๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

captain obvious

A very slow-witted individual, usually one who states the most obvious thing.

A: Hey, water's wet!
B: Good call, Captain Obvious!

by Clarissa June 21, 2003

392๐Ÿ‘ 103๐Ÿ‘Ž

captain obvious

A phrase quite obviously inspired by John Madden. Contrary to popular belief, Captain Obvious is capable of flying but is afraid to, so he drives around the country in an RV, constantly on the lookout for blatantly obvious things to explain to the general public.

Buffalo trails New England by three at the two minute warning. When we return, that means Buffalo will have two minutes left to try to score. A field goal will tie the game. A touchdown will put Buffalo ahead. If Buffalo scores with any time left on the clock, New England will have a chance to score. If Buffalo kicks a field goal, a field goal will be enough for New England to win the game. If Buffalo scores a touchdown, New England will need a touchdown to win the game. Unless Buffalo misses the extra point, in which case New England can tie the game with a field goal following Buffalo's field goal. Of course, any time remaining will give Buffalo another chance to score and go ahead. Oh, and I've talked for so long that the game is now over. I don't think Buffalo scored. Now if you'll excuse me I need to attend to my, "ahem", other civic duties by driving around the country in my ridiculous RV, alerting the American public that gas costs more than it did last year, there are 50 stars on the U.S. flag (same as the number of states!!), Bill Clinton had a fling with an intern IN THE OVAL OFFICE, and I am the most colossal jackass in the history of RV-driving douchebags ever to announce pro football games on a level far below the intelectual capacity of a first trimester fetus conceived via incest. Until next Monday Night, with Al Michaels, this is Captain Obvious.

by anonymous Jim August 8, 2006

551๐Ÿ‘ 157๐Ÿ‘Ž

Captain Obvious

a person who states the obvoius as if nobody knew it already

Thank you very much Captain Obvious.

by Light Joker March 16, 2007

176๐Ÿ‘ 44๐Ÿ‘Ž

captain obvious

When a person says a thing that is obvious, you call them captain obvious.

Him: When a person says a thing that is obvious, you call them captain obvious.
Me: Thanks for that, captain obvious!

by themoose November 29, 2007

126๐Ÿ‘ 32๐Ÿ‘Ž

an obvious owen

A person who states the obvious.

As popularized by Michael Owen ( Ex Liverpool player, current BT Sport pundit)

Owen: To stay in the game, you have to stay in the game.

Neville: You're such an obvious owen

by Wake_n_baker97 May 19, 2016