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Otter pop

An injection, a guy can take that will flavor his cum, in order for it to work the guy needs to ice his dick for a half hour. Once the girls starts to go down on you the injection will tingle your balls and finally leave a flavory explosion in your girls mouth. From experience the injection is a little painful but the girl says its well worth it. The flavors are strawberry, mango, chocolate, coffee, kiwi, grapefruit, and carmel.

MMmm lets do an otter pop tonight, i want to lick strawberry all off of you.

by Alex J. Frother March 18, 2008

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Otter Pop Squat

Having a frozen Otterpop put in girls ass once thawed squat over your face and let thawed otter pop drain in to your mouth.

That bitch is so fine I would let her do an otter pop squat.

by JonBoypepsi August 26, 2008

8πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

Idaho Otter Pop

A woman freezes her menstrual blood into a Popsicle. Someone else then uses this frozen blood to pleasure the woman, then eats it out of her vagina.

My boyfriend almost threw up after giving me an Idaho Otter Pop.

by englishhotpocketmaster October 24, 2010

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Otter twat butt pop

It is when he or she are out cold from a over dose and frozen otter pops are inserted in the vagina and anus to revive the person from the onset of death.


by Dylan Everett Cally July 11, 2023

Otter pop

When the males cum freezes in a icicles formation.

Hey babe! Wassup you know it’s pretty hot out can I get an otter pop? Yea sure. Ugh ugh ugh

by Hehe1254 January 31, 2021

Otter Pop

An Otter Pop is when you gently place your teeth at the base of a used tampon and pull while sliding the left over remains with your fingers up to your mouth.

Johnny decided he would try something new today...like a fresh otter pop from his girlfriend!

by T - Drummer December 15, 2017