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Oven it

The act of placing food in the oven to be cooked or baked.

No, we will cook the bacon here then put it on the pizza and oven it.

by Dr. Browne January 29, 2011

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A term used by people on the Isle of Wight to describe people from the British mainland.

"Fuck off you ovener! We want to keep our inbreeding pure here on the Isle of Wight. Get back to the mainland with your fancy electricity."

by Meh, I don't care about names December 27, 2017

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in the oven

Archaic term for a woman who is with child.

My mother had twins in the oven.

by Adam December 29, 2004

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A(n) ovenable consists of any and all frozen product that needs to be cooked either in a pan or in a convential oven.

J-Dog: hey man whats for dinner?
C-Diddy: i dont know? ill go to the store and pick up some ovenables to cook.

by Cdiddy1983 May 19, 2010

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Whether or not a food item can in fact be cooked in the oven.

Just like the term "microwavable," except oven-style.

"Hey Uncle Al...is that TV Dinner ovenable?"

by Christina November 8, 2004

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a sparish box that heats up when activated and is used in the preparation of most frozen food.

Da oven's on fire, ma!

by Creek March 30, 2005

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A word I made up to replaced cooked. Used when expressing angry that your food has yet to be prepared.
Used also as if the word "finish" or "complete", when referring to the cooking process.

"Those chicken fingers aren't ovenized yet!"
"Oh my god. I'm hungry, I wish that would just ovenize already."

by IronicStarAurore April 5, 2010

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