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A member of the Modern Toss pantheon of comics and comic characters, chronicalling the power struggle that rages within the world-famous Mod supergroup Peanut. The comic features the characters Dave (bass player), Paul(drummer), Gary (lead singer), Rodriguez (Gary's PA) and Spodsie (Manager).

It needs to be pointed out that the band members are more noted for their violent methods than their music. The comic largely follows the exploits of Dave and Paul, as they attempt to discover why they have been dropped from the band.

In short, the funniest comic strip ever!

(Manager's office. Spodsie is talking to Dave and Paul)

Spodsie: "Yeah, I've been meaning to call you for a while. Gary's splitting the band up and he's taking the name 'Peanut' with him. And you spastics better start looking for a proper job! Ha ha ha!

Dave: You fucking cunt, Spodsie. Shit it! *knees Spodsie in the chin*

Spodsie: Oof!

*Dave punches Spodsie in the face with a loud 'Smack'*

Spodsie: Ooooohh!

*Dave karate chops Spodsie in the neck, sending blood spurting all over the room*

Dave: Shitter *pulls a gun on Spods and shoots him several times in the chest and abdomen*

Paul: You were a bit hard on old Spodsie there Dave.

Dave: That's nothing Paul. When I get hold of Gary I'm going to turn him into a nut!

Like I said - funny shit.

by J June 8, 2005

9πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž


A small and bald headed man/boy with a head shaped like a peanut, tending to hate fat people.

Peanuts are constantly bullied.

by Andy155 September 1, 2006

7πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž


the result on pulling on a persons tie ( very tight knot)

*Jerry walks over to steve*

Jerry: PEANUT!!!

*Jerry pulls very very hard on either bits of tie til there be a tight knot at the top

by Brianetta November 21, 2006

4πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž


Another name for SCP 173, usually used in SCP: Secret Laboratory

β€œO no peanut is there” (silence for 1 second) (d-boi blinks) (neck snap)

by RoyelPixel ._. October 12, 2018

2πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


The area on women in between the mid-thighs where it is really warm.

" My hands are cold "
" then just put them in your peanut "

by numpty17 December 3, 2009

4πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž


A woman's clitoris...obviously a woman's, men don't have them.
The clit. The bean . Bald man in a boat, etc.

Her peanut was bigger than my helmet.

by Goatlips January 22, 2018

2πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


one of the members of 101st airborne division, found usually near the top of the scoreboard

by Anonymous March 30, 2003

4πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž