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pick me

A person who is trying to get a valid attention of the opposite gender + an attention seeker

Pick me boy: I really think that boys suck I mean all they think is about sex, I mean I am a boy but sometimes I hate being a boy sometimes I wish that I am a girl.
Not a pick me boy: Boy shut yo pick me ass up

by SUSSY MAN XD XD July 21, 2021

45đź‘Ť 18đź‘Ž


A pick-me is a noun used to describe a person, typically a straight man or a woman, who does things to get the attention of an “opposite group”. If it’s a straight woman, they’d say misogynistic stuff and throw other women under the bus to impress a man. Usually they’ll also blame issues caused by men on women such as saying that r@pe is the woman’s fault, not the man’s. In a straight man situation they’d say stuff like “no one likes me” and “of course you leave me like everyone else does”.

This also applies for other groups such as LGBTQ+. An example would be if a group of straight people or a straight person would say something trans- or homophobic and the person of LGBTQ+ would go along with it to get the group or the other person to like them.

Pick me’s are not nice people, their one goal is to get other people to like them.

Pick-me woman: “If you don’t want to be r@ped don’t dress like a slut! You were probably asking for it.”

Rational person: “Oh my god, shut up! You’re such a pick-me.”

by Punk>:) April 22, 2021

28đź‘Ť 14đź‘Ž

pick me

a pick me is a person who says unusual or outrageous statements for the validation of a race,gender,or other people.

A male pick me would say“If you paint your nails that’s so gay” looking for validation from his friends.

by massapickme420 January 27, 2021

79đź‘Ť 60đź‘Ž

Pick Me

Pick me's are a subcultural group that presents themselves a certain way in order to gain approval and/or validation usually from the opposite sex. This usually results in them outwardly expressing their misplaced or ingenuine hatred or distaste for their own gender and seeing such actions as making them superior. This usually stems from insecurity or internalized mysogyny/misandry.

Pick me girl: All these girls who wear loads of makeup and slutty clothes are so fake and such bimbos. I never wear makeup. 🙄

by We Don't Tolerate Hate March 1, 2021

24đź‘Ť 22đź‘Ž

Pick Me

A woman is called a pick me anytime she holds women accountable for their bad choices. The woman being called a pick me in most cases is married and picked already. She tries to help other women but they want to continue to make bad decisions instead.

You’re giving off “pick me” energy.

by TruthfullySpeaking September 8, 2021

32đź‘Ť 27đź‘Ž

Pick Me

- a person who thinks they’re superior for doing or not doing something (for someone) while hating on people who don’t do the same

- a very common mindset in girls.

- i’M NoT liKe AnY oTHeR giRLs!!1!1!2 soooo qUiRkY!!1!1!1

- NLOGs (Not Like Other Girls)

- Very good example is Taylor Swift’s You Belong With Me (no hate on Tay, I love my girl)

Person 1: “I hate bitches who wear heels and join pageants 🙄”

Person 2: “Do you want a medal for being a pick me?”

by falsegod February 28, 2021

26đź‘Ť 31đź‘Ž

Pick Me

A woman who doesn’t hate men for no reason and isn’t miserable

Damn this bitch doesn’t hate men I want her to be as miserable as me I’m gonna call her pick me

by Whatever tf this is March 27, 2021

64đź‘Ť 79đź‘Ž