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Milwaukee Pit Stop

The act of inserting a fully erect penis into a women's armpit as if to simulate intercourse. Best results arise from use of cheese wiz as lubricant.

Leo: What happened with that girl from Wisconsin last night?
Sawyer: She busted out a bottle of cheese wiz and I gave her a Milwaukee Pit Stop.

by WarriorsComeOutToPlay September 3, 2013

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Venezuelan Pit Stop

An adaptation of the famous Irish Pit Stop, this feat is not to be undertaken by the faint of heart.

After a heavy night of drinking, enter a shower with one other person and take a bottle of vodka. Proceed to share the bottle of vodka until the first person starts spewing. This will decide the roles. The losing party needs to abruptly escape the line of firing before they are fully covered in stomach juice, hold the shower door shut and witness the waterworks. As this is an indubitably sensual experience, the watcher will proceed to finger their own chocolate starfish until said finger is covered in faeces. In case the winner’s liquid exorcism is complete, the watcher will then carefully open the shower door, take the covered finger and shallowly insert it into the nose of the other person. This should trigger a final expulsion of the remaining contents. Switch roles if required.

Craig: I tried the Venezuelan Pit Stop on my first date last night, she’s actually coming back for more!

Kenny: Dude no way, the last time I did it I got a restraining order

by sallysucks1337 May 14, 2022

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Pit stop

When a man has sex with a woman's arm pit.

I ran out of holes to have sex, so I gave her a pit stop.

by stairway456 July 15, 2010

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Alabama Pit Stop

The act of stopping for gas at a southern convenience store/gas station. Catagorized by the purchase of inexpensive gas station items such as Mexican style candy, sales papers, boiled peanuts, novelty air fresheners, and scratch and win lottery tickets (where available). May also include a trip to the shitter or condom dispenser.

Passenger: Make an Alabama pit stop over at that speedy mart.

Driver: Why?

Passenger: I want to get a can of Skoal and some gummi worms.

by Rocky Skyline November 5, 2009

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Truckers Pit Stop

When you go so fist deep that your armpit touches her vagina. Pit to pit.

β€œDown in West Virginia, at this truck stop, I Truckers Pit Stopped this bitch. My arm smelt like tuna for a week.”

by jokerdrake2848 May 26, 2020

Ethan Pit Stop

When you remove the butt plug from your ass after an extended period of time after eating Burger King causing a massive amount of poop to spray the toilet seat and sometimes the wall.

(Mike)"don't come back here"

(Dee)"why not"
(Mike)"just don't"
(Dee)"that's fuckin gross, I at least tell you before I take an Ethan pit stop"

by MakinCampfires April 10, 2023

Pit stop gitano

Is the same as the F1 pit stop but they are not mechanics, they are "gitanos" and once they have your wheels they don't put new ones.

Omg look at that gitanos, they are waiting to do a pit stop gitano to my car

by SexyWampa February 24, 2016

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