Source Code

The Plan

A terrorist organization which was founded by the famous uk islamist "Ali Coksal Larsen".

A: Did you see Ali Larsen newest propaganda speech at Leicester square?
B: No I would never take part in a salafistic activity

The Plan is mainly located in Ashford and London and cause a lot of trouble for uk citizens. They usually gather a lot in White Willow Close, Ashford

by Joe_Sterling January 10, 2020

The Plan

A terrorist organization which was founded by "Ali Larsen" aka "Gross Gore"

Did you see that bomb that was planted by Ryan Nettleship? Yes he did it in the name of the plan.

by PLANNER1234 November 9, 2019

Plan A

A: The unfailing manly response to an incoherent active stimuli.
B: Shooting wildly into the jungle after hearing a twig snap.

Man 1: I just heard a noise over there, what should we do?
Man 2: PLAN A!!!!

by mrgablesreality June 2, 2011

9πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

the β€œplan”

Your plan to commit suicide

you know what you want to do
You have the β€œplan” and all you need to do is do it

by Quickloans666 November 18, 2017

Plan A

A discreet and hilarious way to talk about anorexia. Linked closely with Plan B, or bulimia

I tried plan A but I needed to have something in my mouth, so I turned to plan B.

by Monty James November 22, 2004

19πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž


It's a fucking adverb ok?

"Beers on the weekend?"

"Sounds planful."

by Besty666 June 19, 2008

26πŸ‘ 25πŸ‘Ž

Plan A

Plan A is the simple act of throwing a brick through someones window and or televison set. This brick must of course be labeled "Plan A" and all bricks thereafter must be labeled according to the plan.

Azool: Yo, this fool be bustin' my balls, ya heard me?
Sin: Word son, so heres what we're gonna do.. We'll Plan A his Window, then Plan B his Television.

by Micro$oft December 13, 2004

10πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž