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polar express

another term for running train; fucking a girl in a cold environment, such as in snow or in a cold car during winter

example 1

Bro, I got a setup. Fire up the Polar Express!

example 2

I turned off the heat and polar expressed her all night.

example 3

All Aboard The Polar Express!

by Dr. Fuckatis Enla Butticus September 21, 2010

9๐Ÿ‘ 17๐Ÿ‘Ž

polar express

when you stick a tube that blows freezing air up your buttox hole and freezes you poo load. Thus making you poo come out in solid chunks of ice

Bob was bored so he decided to have a polar express session.

by big mama man September 11, 2010

10๐Ÿ‘ 21๐Ÿ‘Ž

Polar Express Syndrome

A piece of media, usually a film or TV Show, that has a leitmotif or main theme that is played whenever something mildly interesting happens.

"God, that main theme can really get annoying. It's like the show has Polar Express Syndrome.

by Twostie June 21, 2021

the ole polar express

When you put Vicks vapor rub on your lips and then give an icy, refreshing ass eating.

Becky: Phillip you're eating my ass so good, why does it feel so icy and refreshing?!
Philip: *smiles with a shit eating grin* I'm giving you the ole polar express baby.

by talllankyjew December 14, 2017

Polar Express Eyes

Named after the 2004 Christmas movie The Polar Express (based on the 1985 children's book of the same name).
A term used to describe the eyes of a character from a film made with motion capture.
Also used to explain the uncanny valley to someone.

The characters in that film had Polar Express eyes.

by KaisertheChad July 14, 2022

The polar express

When you and your friends decide to ride a train on the one friend that still lives at homes mom, during or around Christmas time

Hey Kyle, is Clark coming to the Christmas party? No he is still upset the 8 of us pulled The Polar Express on his mom.

by Larrykernen December 9, 2022

Polar express

When you dip your dick in cocaine and bang a girl

Man, I totally gave Ana-Lee a Polar Express last night

by BeardlessBeard66 January 1, 2020