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pound sand in your ass

A kind way of telling someone to fuck off, through insertion of sand into their anus, and pushing it down through the use of a stick, road cone, or broken broom handle.

guy 1- man this dude at the bar was being a total douch nozzle.

guy 2- so what did you do?

guy 1- I just told him to pound sand in your ass.

guy 2- hmmm.

by vansdirty hand July 9, 2010

10👍 19👎

pound sand up your ass

A common expression in the Army during the 70's & 80's.
A phrase used by equals to tell each other off, used by superiors to shut up subordinates.
A method of dismissing a stupid person.
The only possible use when you find yourself with a stick,
a funnel, some lube and a bag of sand.
A polite way to say fuck off.

Worker: "Hey boss, why don't we shut this job done and call
it a day, I'm tired."
Boss: " How can you be tired? You haven't done a damn thing all day. Maybe you should stay home tomorrow and pound sand up your ass!"

by jsd9632 January 7, 2012

30👍 10👎

Go pound sand up the eye of your cock

Extended, modified version of the traditional expression "go pound sand", use this version when you really want that special someone to fuck off.

Dave: Dude, you owe my 5$!

Kyle: Dave, I don't have your money, go pound sand up the eye of your cock.

by Leeroy Jenkems 420 November 3, 2009

22👍 8👎

forty two pounds of sand

when your cat eats forty two pounds of sand

dude he just ate forty two pounds of sand and died 😭😭😭

by flushed emoji 😳 June 10, 2022

2👍 2👎

Pound Sand

You pissed me off now go dig a hole in the sand for your pecker and begin to fuck the hole. Pound it hard and fast until your dick is raw.

Ali told me to remove my vending machine from the building so I told him to go pound sand.

by ilardi74 May 24, 2024

To Pound Sand

Is what Adobe told Pantone. Another reason why creative crack prices sky rocketing . Corporate moloch dependency ftw.

Adobe told Pantone to Pound sand.

by dockdeckdork November 18, 2022