Source Code

Prairie Doggin'

ˈpre(Ι™)rΔ“ dΓ΄gin
verb -1- Holding in waste matter discharged from the bowels but a little brown turtle head kisses your undies.

Cath needed to shit so bad she was Prairie Doggin'.
When you bustin for a login & your ridin the brown toboggan.
Kissin' the Cloth.

by Andy Hobo February 1, 2009

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prairie doggin'

when your poopie is poopieing but youre not ready to poopie the poopie yet.

omfg Lisa Marie is PRAIRIE DOGGIN'!!!!!!!! IN MY KITCHEN?! NOT IN HELL

by Eura Phagg November 11, 2006

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prairie doggin'

When you're in the stands at the ball game and everyone stands up and turns their heads around to watch the fight in the next section.

The play was just about the start on the field, but everyone was Prairie Doggin' to see the cops break up the fight in the nose-bleed section.

by JohnnyR November 24, 2003

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prairie doggin'

when youre sittin' on a cushion and u feel somethin' pushin', thats prairie doggin.

also has slang equivalent "prairie dingin'" in australia

i've been prairie dingin' all day since the buffet

by Spandau December 11, 2003

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Prairie Doggin' A Hit

When someone releases the carb several times on a pipe while taking a hit in order to refill the chamber with smoke more than once, allowing for a supreme hit.

Sarah: DUUUUUUDE, Katie was prairie doggin' a hit and totally coughed all over the place.

Jordan: What a bitch.

by stephenie_realto64 April 15, 2009

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Prairie Doggin

When you have to shit so bad that you have shit poking out your ass

β€œYo!!! Hurry up in there!!! I’m prairie doggin!!!”

by Prairie doggin March 10, 2022

Prairie doggin

A tendency of gay men to.have lots different sexual partners. They go from hole to hole like prairie dogs!

Davey was really pissed at Bruce because he was always prairie dogging!

by The Doh Man October 11, 2022