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Prince Charming energy

(Noun): When a guy (usually attractive) is confident in a way that is both subtle and not subtle at the same time. He knows exactly what to say, and is extremely polite, while still making you nervous. He is the type of guy who will hold the door open for you and say “thank you” for the smallest things.

Person 1: “Did you see that guy over there? He’s so hot!”
Person 2: “Yeah, that’s name! He’s got total Prince Charming energy.”
Person 1: “You’re so right!

by TrueEnglish72 April 20, 2024

Prince Charming(Youtuber)

A really funny youtuber.He has over 900,000 subs,and has glasses.He post's gaming content,reactions to sml,and etc

Prince Charming(Youtuber)playing minecraft story mode 2:”Petra!You mean nothing to me!”
Also prince:Trying to make a diss on her.
Me:Laughing my ass off.

by I really don’t know why,but ok December 17, 2021

nigerian prince charming

he slides into your dm's like a lubed up dick, the sexy African man just needs your credit card info to get out of the country because of the war going on

have you seen that nigerian prince charming dude

by caloonzy May 18, 2023

Prince Charming

The most loyal boyfriend to the craziest addict out there, the one who stays with her throughout the storm and never gives up no matter how many d*cks she sucked..

"He was my Prince Charming who always rescued me from the drug house when I had too much.."

by rjandshell November 4, 2018

Prince Charming

A blonde beach boy with half assed style who likes to use women

“You got used by Prince Charming too?? He was just in my bed last week. I thought he loved me..”

by Vicious_NTG December 11, 2022

Prince Charming

A PUSSY WHIPPED BITCH that only exists in a woman's mind but not in reality.

Some random hoe: OMG, I wish I had a Prince Charming!
Realistic person: Nah, the only men that exists are the broke ass niggas, rich ass niggas that treats you like shit and men who treat you like shit because they've been formerly treated like shit because they don't meet arbitrary standards. Get real!

by Fly Felix August 4, 2022

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