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Danish member of ar15.com who was made famous by the following post:

When I was in the army, one of the farm boys told us the "secret" to having sex with a goose (or large duck). He said that you had to shove its head into a drawer of a dresser while you were doing the nasty.

One benefit was that the animal would be more docile with it's head shoved into a sock drawer, but apparently the real benefit was that he said when you were about to climax, you'd kick the drawer shut with your foot, because the goose would start to spasm uncontrollably when it died, and that was apparently awesome.

That bizarre story/advice was put in my head almost 20 years ago, and has lived in my brain every since - and now it's in YOUR brain.

Sure it's disturbing and gross, but this thread is so weird and freaky anyway, I don't think we can get much lower.

"My geese just went missing"
"DK-Prof probably took them to the furniture store to have his way with them"

by Billy Grimm January 4, 2008

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Prof Oak

A fucking badass pokemon trainer. He's old as shit and his caught bitch loads of pokemans in his day. he dgafs about new niggas tryin to be pokemon trainers cause he already knows he beats them.

Prof Oak pwnz j00.

by C0NN3RC4$HM0N3Y February 1, 2009

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prof railer

Student that bones his professor.

if it wasnt for him bieng a prof railer his grades would be down the gutter.

by det.und July 30, 2005

Prof. Tillu

A parody account on Twitter.
Member of "Parody Samaaz".
Best Memer ever.


by ZeePublic March 16, 2021

Pulling A Prof

1) To come on Xbox surprisingly, and ultimately reppin' a D-stain in the subsequent match.

2) An antonym for reppin D!P$3T.

"Yo, chris just pulled a prof for the 11th day in a row"

"Zoinkes! Weiner is pulling a prof!"

by xOrangeWeinerx February 2, 2010

Prof. Plum

A Clue (the board game) reference to purple.

First wide-spread use was following the release of the "Jimmy: A world of Warcraft Story."

Real life applications are generally discouraged.

I scored some mad prof. plum's last night in BT.

by P-Dangler March 12, 2008

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big prof

To make a incredible amount of money off of a sale. Normally related to the retail working class or anybody in sales.

These niggas up in here be making big prof for shizzel

by BIGGIE123 August 14, 2014