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Provo Soak

This is a step above the provo push in a sense where young people in happy valley (aka provo, utah) is trying to find ways around having actual intercourse because of their strict church guidelines. This is when a girl is so horny that she lets her man stick his boner in her vagina, but no movement or thrusting takes place. The boner just resides inside the vagina thus "soaking" inside it. This apparently isn't considered as intercourse....WTF!??

Girl: "I'm so hot for you right now, but we're not married so we can't have sex."

Boy: "Oh darn it all to heck! Oh wait...how about the provo soak!? That's not sex right!?"

Girl: "My goodness gracious! You're such a genius! Provo soak me now!"

by jesuscheese March 5, 2009

276πŸ‘ 83πŸ‘Ž

Provo bump

A term used at Brigham Young University to describe the dry humping that is prevalent among many students. Though forbidden by church teachings and the school's honor code, the Provo bump is possibly viewed as a less serious alternative to sexual intercourse by those who choose to experiment.

Man, those freshman sure Provo bump a lot.

by ferocious dinosaur October 24, 2007

19πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Provo Float

The Provo Float is in-between the Provo Push and a Provo Soak. Instead of having intercourse, your boner only slides on the outside of the vagina never entering it. After you get so chafed from doing the provo push you move to the next level which is the Provo Float. You don't put it in, it just floats on top or she floats on top of you. Also called outercourse. The verb is called floating.

Guy: "Bro you were with that freshman girl all night... did you have sex?"

Provo All Star: "Na man I have morals. We just did the Provo Float"

by THEProvoAllStar April 24, 2012

87πŸ‘ 27πŸ‘Ž

provo push

A variation of dry hump used commonly by mormons in Provo, UT. Provo is a mecca for young members (18-30 years of age) of the mormon church which has many strict guidelines that include a vow of abstinence until marriage.

Mormons, like all other human beings, are born with an innate desire for sexual intercourse. As a result of the strict guidelines that prohibit premarital relations, incidents of the provo push (aka dry humping) are high.

Friend 1: "Dude, I hooked up with Ashley last night!"
Friend 2: "Did you guys do the push?"
Friend 1: "Oh yeah man, she started pushing before we started kissing!"

"Last night I macked with this girl and got blue balls. It was worth it because we did the provo push"

by E Matthew July 5, 2006

277πŸ‘ 118πŸ‘Ž

Provo Push

During a Mormon soaking session, a third party pushes up on the mattress under you both to initiate thrusting.

I can’t go this weekend, I’m the Provo push for my bro.

by Jonahswhale September 5, 2021

31πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž

provo poke

The act of a Mormon (not exactly from Provo but originating from) inserting his penis in to a females orifice and leaving it "unmoving" "unthrusting" to "soak"

Climax may or may not be reached.

We didnt have "sex" we just Provo poked...

by Radamski86 February 7, 2015

Provo Dip

Sex act performed by students of Brigham Young University in which the young man dips his penis in the young woman's vagina without thrusting, thereby following the University's strict rules regarding sexuality. The couple lies motionless until they fall asleep or get hungry.

"Brian and Gentri love each other, but they don't want to be kicked out of BYU, so on Valentine's Day they'll just be Provo Dipping after a trip to the Cheesecake Factory."

by Denise Storengo September 25, 2009

39πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž