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Pub Psychologist

An understanding and sympathetic person people turn to in a pub or bar to talk about their problems.

He got it all sorted after speaking to the pub psychologist.

by wardswords November 28, 2016

School Psychologist

A person attempting to make childhood less hellish for others than it was for themselves.

School Psychologists are the best friends Mechanical Engineers could ever find!

by Patty M October 31, 2006

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criminal psychologist

A person who has been schooled in criminal psychology, which involves a unique and highly trained mind, and a person of great intelligence. Criminal psychology is hard to explain properly, but from my understanding, it is when the criminal psychologist has to try and think like a killer (criminal psychologists are sometimes asked to help police with murders), try and get inside their mind, and try to undterstand why the killer committed the crime in question, so the case can be solved, if the criminal psychologist has been hired by police. This may involve using evidence from the crime as a way to try to get inside the killers mind. Criminal psychology doesn't always determine exactly who the killer is, it does help immensely though to give an idea of the personality of the killer, what he's like, and so on. People who knew the victims of the crimes are often interviewed by police to get any possible leads on who the actual killer is, and suspects may also be interrogated to narrow down any list of people the police might believe committed the crime. This all has to do with the criminal psychologist, because he or she is often the one who has to figure out how the crime happened with the information that is given to him/her, whether it be from an acquaintance of the victim, or a suspect, or crime scene evidence.

Dr. John Davies is a criminal psychologist.

The police have hired a criminal psychologist to help them figure out who the killer is in their latest case.

by Nimbus April 29, 2005

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Junior Psychologist

A liberal twit who always knows the deep psychological reasons behind other peoples' beliefs and behaviors. Junior Psychologists come out of their holes to make their pronouncements in college dormatories, in letters to the editor, and in discussions. Like all liberal twits, Junior Psychologists know what is best for you and me, and never miss an opportunity to tell us so.

Fenton is a Junior Psychologist. She knows -- she absolutely KNOWS! -- that all men who drive four-wheel-drive vehicles do so because they subconsciously worry that their penises are not large enough. They buy four-wheel-drives to display as a large penis substitute. She can't conceive of a man -- or woman -- who wants a four-wheel-drive vehicle to explore the wondrous outback of America.

Fenton knows -- she absolutely KNOWS! -- that all men who do not vote for Quean Hillary do so because they are misogynist, sexist pigs and would feel emasculated if a woman was their leader. She can't imagine that their are 72 million women better-qualified to be President than Quean Hillary, and that most men would vote for one of them.

Fenton knows -- she absolutely KNOWS! -- that all men who own guns do so because they subconsciously fear that their penises are not long enough. They buy guns to substitute for a short penis. She can't imagine that men -- and also women -- own guns to hunt, and to shoot targets, beer cans, greasy-haired Pachuco Boys, and wimpy-ass liberals who want to take their rights away.

Fenton knows -- she absolutely KNOWS! -- that all men who are not limp-wristed liberal mush wimps are not because they "have issues" (as she likes to say) with having their bottoms wiped the wrong way when they were infants. She can't imagine that some people do not like paying taxes for sissy liberal social programs, socialist medicine, towing the politically correct party line, or being forced to tolerate the putrid behavior of A-Rabs, panhandlers, and mincing poofters.

Fenton knows -- she absolutely KNOWS! -- that men who do not like poofters are subconsciously afraid of their own hidden homosexual feelings. She can't imagine that any people are real men who are attracted to women and who find mincing, prancing, doing dangle dances, playing circle jerk, corn holing, and squealing "weeee" to be insipid, disgusting, perverted, and nasty.

Fenton knows -- she absolutely KNOWS! -- that men who do not like Greasy Haired Pachucos challenging them when they walk down the sidewalk have unresolved authority issues and harbor deep-seated racial hatred for people with dark hair and brown eyes. She can't conceive of a man who will defend his right to walk in public without being challenged by a greasy punk.

Fenton, as you can see, knows absolutely nothing. She is nothing but an arrogant, whining, snot-nosed liberal soccer mom who doesn't know Jack Shit.

by Cap'n Bullmoose April 26, 2008

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psychologists in the wild

A phrase that aptly describes the predatory nature of those who use their carefully sharpened β€˜street’ understanding of human nature designed to successfully scam people all over the world, using a simple phone or computer.

These folks are essentially psychologists in the wild, having honed their sociopathic skills to suck money in ways that cannot be traced from the bank accounts of vulnerable and trusting individuals who are caught off-guard by the crafted situations they present which produce sudden anxiety and fear and which so often leads to frequent jackpots for them.

by Dr Bunnygirl June 14, 2023

miss psychologist

nori!! she gives comfort to MILLIONS!! she will try to give the best advices and don't be shy to text her xx

are you in a crisis? you should talk to miss psychologist

by nori.pdf June 23, 2021

the world's best business psychologist

A common Saying in northern Berlin.

Used to refer to Russians who have exceptionally white skin.
Supposedly it is from the late 90s come and can also be related to phenomenal beautiful eyes, cheek blasts and other body parts.

"You are surly the world's best business psychologist Sophie!"
"Trank You You!"

by Ugolino July 12, 2019