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Drinking with your friends and having a good time

or drinking as much alcohol with your friends in a limited time

Hey bro lets do some rallying tonight!

We rallied all last night

by Hitman504 August 21, 2009

21πŸ‘ 25πŸ‘Ž


"Rallying" is a form of Motorsport that are mostly on "stages" (a specific route that the driver needs to follow) And the driver's task is finish up the stages in the least amount of time as he can.

But, it isn't that simple the driver doesn't have a map or anything, that' s when the co-driver comes in.
(A co-driver in Rally is a person that tells some "pacenotes" to guide the driver)

Ex. "Right 5, into left 3, 50 meters jump and right 1"
(numbres means how tight or open the corner is, 1 is the sharpest corner, and 6 is the opposite)

So, Rallying is doing a stage on the minimun time possible.

Person 1: Yo man, get that Ford Fiesta and let' s go Rallying!

Person 2: Aight man, but don' t break the car

Person 1: cool, i'll drive and you're telling me the Pacenotes

by NoriStuffSV August 7, 2023


To receive the incorrect fast food order.

Guy #1 "I just got rallied."
Guy #2 "Do you mean that you made some form of a comeback?"
Guy #1 "No. I just got the wrong order at the fast food place."

by kidnic* July 16, 2020


When your just like out of it,the morning after a night looking like death or looking like a complete mess. Could even be rallied on the way home from the night out.

Your looking pure rallied

by Rallieidddd January 2, 2019

22πŸ‘ 29πŸ‘Ž


verb - the act of smoking marijuana

Before class, we stopped at DeMontrell's house to rally up.

by Tru-damie August 24, 2006

43πŸ‘ 69πŸ‘Ž


A motorsport that posseum bourne kicked butt at and was tragicly killed by.
we will always remember posseum bourne not a a person who sits in a car and go's fast, but as a legend of the sport.

We will always remeber you posseum and we will never forget you no matter what

by DEMON GOD May 16, 2003

24πŸ‘ 37πŸ‘Ž


To return to normal life or duties after a long and fun night of drinking with friends.

Dude are you ok?

Yeah, I’m rallying right now, yesterday I was out with the boys.

by A man on a misiΓ³n August 18, 2020

3πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž