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Twiggy Ramirez

Twiggy Ramirez a.k.a. Jeordie White is a talented musician that has worked with bands such as Amboog-A-Lard, A Perfect Circle, and, most notably, Marilyn Manson. Currently, he is with Nine Inch Nails (though he's not really out of A Perfect Circle).

Twiggy Ramirez is an excellent bassist that was good friends with Marilyn Manson.

by Sheaness June 3, 2005

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twiggy ramirez

Former member of Marilyn Manson. Helped create the beautiful works of "Antichrist Superstar", "Mechanical Animals" & "Holy Wood". Upon Twiggy's departure, Manson's artwork has been nothing but disappointing.

1. Marilyn Manson's biggest mistake was letting Twiggy Ramirez go.

2. Twiggy Ramirez was the best thing to happen to Marilyn Manson.

by (h) April 3, 2006

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Damien Ramirez

Used to define someone of pure awesomeness due to the fact that he looks devilishly good, has spanish lineage, and usually looks like a motherfuckin white dude. This is used to describe a being of immense power and strength and, decided by unanimous vote, second only to the infamous moniker Chuck Norris.

Dude 1: Hey man, did you see Chuck Norris kick those guys asses?
Dude 2: No man I was too busy watching that Damien Ramirez feed the homeless and fight off the Devil with his backhanded swing.
Dude 1: I hear hes devilishly handsome too.
Dudette 1: Oh most definately ;)

by TheOwlsAreNotWhatTheySeem March 5, 2012

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Nathan Ramirez

A demon at baseball. Always the drippiest on the field. Has tons of bats. Has gone on IG live with Deion Cole, Max Clark, and more. PG and PBR enthusiast. Name a player and he can give you his exit velo, throwing velo, and 60 time off the top of his head. Also quite the ladies man.

Evan: yoo bro does anybody know Max Clarkโ€™s exit ve-
Nathan Ramirez: 94 mph.

by EvanM2008 September 11, 2022

michael ramirez

Weird, but in a good way. A bit awkward, but that's what makes him adorable. Funny, sweet, loving, patient, and charming, he's what any girl would dream of for a boyfriend. His best physical attributes are his sexy brown eyes and shoulders that are perfect to lean against or cuddle up to.

Michael Ramirez is such a dork.

by Peanut-Peanut October 28, 2013

Manny Ramirez

(verb) To fail multiple times for the same reason, then to completely bail out instead of dealing with the consequences upon realization of how terrible one is.

"Yeah, Bob pissed hot again, just grabbed his coat and Manny Ramirezed out

by Philippine Machine April 9, 2011

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sara ramirez

Originated the role of the Lady of the Lake in the 2005 Tony award-winning musical Monty Python's Spamalot.

Has a very amazing voice and acting ability, and won the Tony for best featured actress in a musical.

Sara Ramirez graduated from the Julliard School

by Janet Weiss July 30, 2005

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