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A cute way to say the word racist.

Seraphim: Lol uncultured swine!
Seraphim: Learn your german, idiota!
Dan: why should I learn german? I'm not a nazi.
Seraphim: Wow.
Seraphim: So ray-ray.

by Dan_tm July 15, 2020

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When saying Rachel/Raychill is too hard to do. It's also a way of saying such name's in the presence of friends named as such. Normally its toward's someone black/way too white.

Ray-ray, pull your damn pants up.

by ZandaG March 29, 2008

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The Rai-Rai

And idiot in Virgina.

Look at that moron! He reminds me of The Rai-Rai, the pedophilliac with three nostrals.

by Stairmaster August 6, 2004

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Pookie and Ray Ray

A generalized, broad term that describes societal nonconformists, usually ex-convicts, jobless, unfaithful, "ghetto" dregs, incapable of social graces, commitment or gainful employment: the absentee father/"baby daddy" of unwed mothers, the inmate population, the drug dealers and hustlers on the streets are examples of Pookies and Ray Rays

"Yes, she's an educated woman but she's also an unwed mother; she got knocked up, running with Pookie and Ray Ray in her younger days.

by DarqMage May 1, 2021

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Pookies and Ray-Rays

Definition - Pookies and Ray-Rays are stereotypical ghetto-dwelling men. They lack ambition; they usually don't have a job or decent income. They probably have felony records for stupid crimes (domestic abuse, petty theft, selling weed, robbery, assault), drug addiction, and multiple children by several women. They have few employment prospects due to their inability to take control of their lives, mainly because they're poorly educated. They lack personal accountability for their problems and cannot respond to difficult circumstances. They are shamelessly low-class.

Who coined the phrase? Popular YouTube and podcast host Oshay Duke Jackson coined the term around 2018 as a funny way to describe low-life black men.

Origin - The term derives from the nicknames of famous movie characters of the same names; "Pookie," the comical crackhead from New Jack City (Chris Rock), and "Ray-Ray," the two-timing crook from South Central (Byron Minns). However, these nicknames were common in many black ghettos in the 70s, 80s, and 90s.

"She spent her best year weaving and gelling. Now, she has multiple children by different Pookies and Ray-Rays, but wonders why no good man wants to marry her."

by thetillmansneakerreview December 13, 2022

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Out ray ray

A broken-down form of β€˜outrageous’ for the classic commoner who likes to draw the attention of a crowd. Basically like your gay best friend but you’re straight and emulating what you will never amount to be . It’s out ray, but so ray it’s out ray ray

Person 1 - so how about Josephine getting maggot and buying a pet elephant and making out with our boss !?
Person 2 - SO out ray ray

by Alexandra T December 5, 2021

dj ray ray

A dj that is a genius at mixing different arts of music
also known as the ocasional
DJ RAY RAY NO DELAY in myspace music

DJ RAY RAY NO DELAY always trying to make it high in the M.I.A

by Raymond A.K.A. DJ RAY RAY July 11, 2008

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