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refried beans

Anal sex combined with or immediately followed by defecation.

Jesus vigorously analized Maria until she crapped everywhere, they then both enjoyed fresh refried beans.

by arock75 April 1, 2011

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Refried Beans!

A reply of agreement or when one feels amazed by awesomeness

person 1: I just won $5000 on Pai Gow
person 2: cool beans...wait did you say $5000?
person 1: yep! 7 card straight flush with joker. $5 up!
person 2: Refried Beans!

by The Trendsetter Linguist June 17, 2008

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Refried Turd

After removing the RPC from the turd, one would refry ones turd and serve it on a plate for dinner.

That refried turd was absolutely delicious!!!

by DabombBiaaaach June 1, 2023

Refried Roach

1. The roach of a roach; when the leftovers of a previous smoking session of a paper sort is re-rolled into a new smoking paper and re-lit

Jimmy rolled his roach into the blunt. After we were done, we clipped the refried roach.

by DamnedDeathPlace April 17, 2009

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refried mustache

when an obese woman with a mouth full of refried beans, is jackhammered orally -- errupting quantaties of bean out of the nostrils, settling on the upper lip.

I tried to kiss her, but her refried mustache smelt like tequila and feces

by mustache revival February 26, 2011

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refried ass

Ass that is dipping in a frying machine.

I ate some refried ass.

by POOPERSCOOPER August 14, 2003

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Refried bean

When you give a girl anal and then after have the girl give you a blow job.

Last night tom and bethany had refried beans.

by HoboMaster69 March 31, 2016

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