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google refund

a feeling of dismay upon finding one's supposed neologism on a google search.

I thought I coined the phrase, "Retardo Montalban," but got served a google refund when it showed up with 1600 hits.

by Craig Bz December 29, 2007

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refund gap

The excessively wide space between a woman's breasts, indicating a poorly executed breast enlargement procedure. Ideal breast cleavage is minimal, so any woman showing off a pair of huge, spherical, gravity-defying boobs that have an inch or more of space between them arguably deserves a refund from her plastic surgeon.

That cougar was totally hitting on me, but I was too weirded out by her refund gap to take her seriously.

by Hesby April 7, 2008

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full refunder

A customer that expects everything for nothing, the typical type of consumer (typically buying appliances or electrical goods) that purchases items or services and then expects a business to refund them their money at the drop of the hat for any reason at all. They usually include the threat of contacting government bodies such as the Consumer Watchdog or quoting laws they don't understand out of the Consumer Law without any real intention of following through with it.

A full refunder can also be defined as a person who thinks the world owes them something, that they are always going to get what they want and that every business should bow to their every command.

Mandy bought that television two days ago and now she's decided shes not happy with it and expects our business to take it back and give all her money back! She's such a full refunder.

by The Realist of Consumers April 15, 2015

sticky refund

ejaculating into a woman's hand so she can save your load for later.

"I didn't know where to bust so I gave her the old Sticky Refund. Told her not to let it spoil her dinner."

by nacko420 May 23, 2010

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Time Refund

A fictional request that allows one to time travel into the past so they can redo an action they might regret or relive a specific time frame in which previously occurred.

Example 1: "Ergh... I so regret falling asleep during the middle of the conference meeting on Monday... Oh well, no worries I will ask for a time refund, yay!"

Example 2: Typical phone woman robot sounding voice, "Thank you for calling customer support! Unfortunately, all of our agents are currently experiencing a high volume of traffic at the moment please stay on the line and the next available agent will get back to you within the next decade!" Dialer sighs, "I've been put on hold for 45 minutes already and I'm really sick of this waiting on hold shit! That's it! I am going to ask for a time refund!"

Example 3: "Thank you for calling Kronos Time Systems Inc, once we receive your request our team will fully inspect and review it. If your request is approved, we will immediately notify you that we will initiate a time refund. You will receive the refund within a certain amount of days, depending on the length, complexity; the severity of the time frame on the space-time continuum."

by IcemanJack August 28, 2018

iowa refund

Iowa Refund - when someone has a very corny bowel movement on their partner(s)

I got so wasted last night I think I did an Iowa Refund

by civeroy August 8, 2018

tijuana refund

When you hire a prostitute, then kill her and get your money back.

I had to wait to meet Gay Tony to pay him the money I owed him, so I picked up a hooker and pulled a Tijuana refund.

by Thewanderer December 8, 2014

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