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I love shrooms <3




by roflcopter October 27, 2004

27๐Ÿ‘ 32๐Ÿ‘Ž


Finding a logical solution to what is fucked up in socieity.

Examples of which are: the endless war in Iraq, a tax structure that favors the rich, skyrocketing gas prices, drunk judges putting pot smokers in jail, a government that favoring industry profit over the environment, alienating the rest of the world against the United States. Remedies: Vote Democratic in '07 or Impeach George Bush now.

by Frogfish October 13, 2007

13๐Ÿ‘ 20๐Ÿ‘Ž

herbical remedies

(n). any treat (eaten or smoked) made with marijuana, hash, shrooms, etc.

Hey Donklenutter, I am bored, do you have any herbical remedies?

by WKid May 13, 2006

108๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

tha Remedy

rapper/songwriter/engineer from New Jersey who will "set right" the music industry. Symbolism is surrounding "tha Remedy" starting off with a lower case "t" symbolizing a cross since he is a believer in Jesus Christ. followed by an "a", purposefully misspelled to identify the "imperfections" of this hiphop artist. Next we have the full word Remedy used to show hope, faith, confidence, reliance on his savior, and of course a written "prescription" to music. Since he is still human and imperfect, you will also hear times of sorrow, frustration, and impatience. one things for certain, he is tha Remedy to himself, his fans, supporters, and targeted towards anyone who appreciates good music.

have you listened to tha Remedy's new song finer things pt II on youtube ?! i also heard his mixtape REMsleep will be out in 2015! tha Remedy is AWESOMEEEEE

by rems September 30, 2014

Remedial Child

A student who needs special help to improve in a particular subject.

This is used to emphasize a point has been repeated multiple times and the "student" hasn't been able to resolve their deficiencies.

Typically, it's for internet know-it-alls who can't read beyond their cherry picking delusions.

I have already said that, three other times, try not to be such a remedial child.

by Ddox May 24, 2020

Exclusive Remedy

Is when a person takes years to reply back to another person, and makes up ridiculous excuses

Lixy just answered me after two months and said she was busy eating dinner, she's such an exclusive remedy.

by YouBeLion February 22, 2017

Herbal Remedies

Another term for a fat sack of weed after a long hard day.

Yo, Louie! It's Colin. I'm feelin' a little sick, let's go get some herbal remedies!

Sick man! Sounds good.

by Colin and Louie July 24, 2008