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Bitter and resentful

I mean, if you're so fucking concerned with what happens when people are bitter and resentful...

Hym "Then how about you don't deliberately do things to make people bitter and resentful? I mean, you can't possibly delude yourself into believing you're not doing this to me because you're not bitter and resentful. Well... Ok yeah no you probably can but listen: How about not stealing all of their shit. How about not denigrating them as barbarians. Or maybe not treating their culture as inferior."

Dr. Jeepjorp "Or they could just not be bitter and resentful in spite of me doing that."

Hym "Yeah, no good plan! Here, hold this:"

Dr. Jeepjorp "Noooo! Me organs!"

Hym "Oh no... You're bleeding and dying... Have you tried not bleeding and not dying? You know you've made an error if you're bleeding and dying... That error being: I have stabbed you. God hates bleeding and- Well, no, actually it loves that... Almost as much as I do!"

by Hym Iam August 17, 2024

Age of Resentment

The time period when your sexual assault charges are actually liable.

Person 1. Get this, this chick is really charging me for sexual assault. It's only because I have money now.
Person 2. Wasn't this like thirty years ago? She said clearly she didn't want the trouble and she still loved you.
Person 1. Yeah, she is way passed her age of resentment

by Papa Jackson February 20, 2018