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If your name is Rikus you are the best looking person in the world and every girl wants you and you care for everybody no matter what

Hey is your name Rikus because you probably get a lot of girls

by Ghostbuster November 13, 2019

2👍 1👎


RiKu is a leecher who deoes thinks he is 1337 but is a kid with no life and should sit his trump azz on his runway h0e

by GaryZelda October 16, 2003

15👍 149👎

Riku Effect

A person that is so toxic in a fandom that it the fandom kicks that person out

Just dont wanna see another "Riku Effect" happen, y'know?

by GMLORD December 17, 2018

22👍 3👎

Riku mode

A type of mode that literally can fuck everyone in the entire world. Most likely to appear in discord servers where when riku mode activated people get banned, channels gone or even CP is posted to ruin entire mans existence. Most importanly it hits the weebs the most due to waifu genocide.

Example 1:

Person A: ''Hey what happened today why are there over a billion people dead?''
Person B: ''Ah u know Riku mode was activated''
Person A: ''Understandable have a nice day''

Example 2:

A: "Yo bro can I have that waifu?"
B: "Ah, well, I kinda like her so I have to say no"
A: ''ok force divorce and deleting the server for a good measure"
B: ''wtf bro dont go riku mode right now''

by Propane and Assesories April 22, 2019

Riku's be tripping

a Riku who is too fuckin' proud of his goddamn way of life

Riku's be tripping on this hamburger Boi

by Nibba Plane January 7, 2019


Rikus, also know as 𝘚𝘦𝘹𝘺 𝘣𝘦𝘢𝘴𝘵, is the world hottest and smartest human.

I wish I was like Rikus, super sexy and smart.

by Rikussexybeast November 22, 2021

rikus de bruin

the most awsome person in the world. Meaning everyone wants to be him.

wow that guy is awsome... he must have got it from rikus de bruin

by riki1 December 3, 2011