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A very cute puppy who enjoys cuddles and is graceful when she sleeps. Shes trys to get more food but it never works always loyal to her human. And a big scaredy dog. Over all just a gentle giant.

That dog looks like a rio

by Victori November 23, 2018


Rio - a girl like no other! She is always working incredibly hard and is amazingly intelligent. This beautiful girl is seemingly in every club and activity but handles them all like a boss. She is easily affected by others and environment and can be very sentimental at times but mostly she’s very happy. Truly a good friend and will mean the world to you. Often the cutest person you’ll ever meet. I love Rio

Where is rio?

Oh rio? She’s at cross country, no wait it’s a Tuesday so she’s at chamber orchestra today.

by Ríosnumber1fan October 20, 2019

5👍 2👎


A girl with the morals of a dude. Often dark-haired and very curvy. Most often brown eyes. Good relationship advice but not the best friend. Often VERY WHOREmonal. Never chooses the chick before the dick. Never keeps word. Acts innocent but very sexually active in her own way. Says abstinent but just as quickly, changes her mind. Doesn't change mind usually stubborn. Usually dates assholes. Lies impulsively. Pretty and very nice hair. In love with Asians and loves the instruments. Extremely smart.

Me- Hey I need someone to talk to. please help!

Rio- Cant. Sorry. I want to make out with my boyfriend :/

by Honey Bunches of WHAT?!?!!? December 20, 2012

16👍 16👎


Rio is the most fittest boy in the world and is so caring. He’s very charming and so sensitive. He is an amazing boyfriend if your lucky to have him. He is so funny and will always make u laugh. You’ll be lucky to find a Rio

1- Oh my god I wish Rio was my boyfriend

2- He's so charming

by Georgia_36xo May 9, 2019

4👍 3👎


Originating from Australia, it is the safe-for-work, politically correct way to call someone a retard. Modernisation of calling someone a ‘tard’.

1. Dude, quit being a f*cking rio.

2. What the hell was that for you rio?!
3. Haha man I felt like a total rio.

by FozzaTheLegend May 5, 2020

3👍 2👎


Rio. noun (ree-oh) 1. A fight in which one party is agressive and the other is pacifistic. 2. A fight that is mainly one sided.

Whoa! That was a total Rio, the other guy barely moved!

by Seraphim'sZephyr April 18, 2010

12👍 19👎


A Rio is the most beautiful girl in the universe, and it leaves all the boys speechless except her boyfriend, of course. A Rio usually is a blonde with long, shaggy hair that stuns almost all the boys. She has startling hazel eyes with a strong hint of green and an attractive smile. She is actually pretty curvy but doesn't use any of that to show off, because she only wants true love.

A Rio knows how to dress for every occasion. You can find her usually wearing an oversized green sweatshirt with jeans or yoga pants on most occasions except formal ones. She NEVER has to wear makeup, it'll just make her uglier.

A Rio is the most sweetest, kind, and caring girl you will ever meet, but she is more a tomboy. She is outgoing, and her sarcastic (but not rude) attitude is one to fall in love with. She is very good at sports, roller skating being the best. Also being the most competitive, she will most likely crush everybody, but she has good sportsmanship and won't insult any other player, no matter how good or bad they are. A Rio is also insanely smart, but not just academically. Her knowledge lies in common sense and logic, a trait so few have today.

Most importantly though, a Rio is herself. She is hands-down the best girlfriend you will EVER have. She is truly an angel and will take your heart instantly.

Look out guys, if you are ever this lucky to meet a Rio, take full advantage of it. You won't meet another one for life.

Guy 1: Omg, that girl is so pretty. Just look at that beauty.
Guy 2: Dang... (thinking... she could be a Rio.)
Guy 1: I heard her friends say that she's so fun to be around.
Guy 2: Cool. (She's probably a Rio.)
-A few days later-
Guy 1: Omg I just met her at a restaurant and she is just so beautiful, I can't even look her in the eyes for 10 seconds. Plus she's funny, really nice, and she paid for her meal and mine! Can you believe it?! We just met!
Guy 2: Yup, she's definitely a Rio.
Guy 1: What
Guy 2: Man, I TOLD you to check up on the Urban Dictionary.
Guy 1: My bad... but she is just so beautiful...she's an angel...
Guy 2: *slaps forehead* Yup he's obviously head over heels.

by Lhomas101 January 30, 2019

3👍 3👎