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risk behavior

1.Is a kind of behavior or life style that places an individual at a greater risk of illness or injury.
2.Is a life style that increase the chances of bad outcomes

Father:Smoking weed is such a risk behavior you've to stop it my son.
Son: OK I'll stop it dad.

Sex chats with strangers is a risk behavior that put many teenager at a danger of rape .

by julianmosha December 5, 2016

flight risk

A person who appears ready to leave a job or relationship, presumably for a better opportunity elsewhere.

"Aaron's a definite flight risk, I hear he's posted on monster.com"

by Anton September 4, 2003

292πŸ‘ 47πŸ‘Ž

Dime Risk

A male, (or female), who is very attractive but also participates in risquΓ© and overly flirtatious activity. Therefore creating a certain amount of risk in getting physically involved with him or her.

Guy 1"Hey dude did you see what Ashley was wearing today?"

Guy 2"Yeah she was looking hot man. You should tap that."

Guy 1"No way bro! She's hot, but a total dime risk."

by Francois182 May 5, 2011

Shit Risk

The likelihood that the receiving partner in anal sex will defecate onto the penetrating partner.

"I don't know dude, she had Taco Bell, the shit risk is pretty high."

by Misanthropic Bong October 18, 2015

17πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Flight risk

a person who is likely to leave the country before a trial or bail hearing.

The judge kept the man behind bars as it was believed that he was a flight risk

by Ineedfriends July 25, 2019

22πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

risk it for the biscuit

= Take the chance of sacrificing your current possessions in order to win much more... the sexy biscuit.

Biscuit just rhymes with risk it. Plus biscuits are sexy. Butter yo biscuit!

In the case of (probably) the first time this phrase was ever used, the "biscuit" was the opportunity to maximize your earnings and then earn even more. The risk was the possibility of losing your acquired earnings when you could have kept them if you weren't so greedy!


First used at least 3 years from today during a round of the dice game "10,000" at Jamezy's, to encourage those with only 1 die left to take the chance and roll because if they hit a "1" or "5" they would get to roll all 6 dice again whilst retaining the points acquired during their first turn.

In this game you have 6 dice and take turns in a clockwise rotation rolling the dice to accumulate 10,000 points to win the game.

Each turn when you roll something worth points (ex. "1" = 100 points and "5" = 50 points) you get to roll the remaining dice again or keep the points you have acquired during your turn.

If you earn points with all 6 dice, you get to roll all 6 again (biscuit).

J: I think I'm gonna stop and keep the 500 points.
A: Naw man, risk it for the biscuit! The sexiest of biscuits!


by PapΒ‘ October 20, 2016

214πŸ‘ 43πŸ‘Ž

Risk Universalis

A game retarded people with no balls play

john: Yooo you should play Risk Universalis
me: nah I ain't playing that shit

by RadicalReborn August 11, 2020

29πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž