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The only way to settle a dispute before resorting to violence.

Dude: "Shotgun!"
Buddy: "Challenge!"
Both: "One two three.."
Buddy: "Fuckin hell!"
Dude: "Hahaha, you're sittin' bitch"

by Big Tim November 15, 2003

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rock paper scissors

A world famous game for little children. Sometimes people play it with rock, paper, scissor, gun, spider, etc...

ROCK PAPER SCISSOR SHOOT. Fuck your rock beats my ant.

by monty_sucks May 15, 2005

9๐Ÿ‘ 24๐Ÿ‘Ž

Rock, Paper, Scissors

A game played as a bet where the loser owes head to the winner

"Rock, paper, scissors anyone" said sav
"ye sure, what does the winner get" ollie asked

"head" exclaimed the slag savannah
"ok then" ollie said

*sav wins*
"i prefer giving, that's dissapointing" said sav
"let me be involved" said max from round the corner
"NO MAX YOURE AN UGLY LANKY CUNT" screamed everyone

by Pickle Jar Tales December 4, 2020

1๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

rock paper scissors extreme

A game of rock paper scissors where the loser gets hurt according to how he lost
If they lose to:
Stone - The get a punch in the arm
Paper - A slap to the face
Scissors - A Nipple Cripple

Great for playing drunk normally someone ends up dead :D
Slaps are normally the worst
Remember I made this game up :D

Rock paper scissors EXTREME is just plain even have you seen my face!

by Jay Clarkson June 24, 2005

53๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž

extrememe rock, paper, scissors

A version of rock, paper, scissors that is played so that the winner of each round gets to hit his opponet. If a rock wins a punch is delivered to the opponets stomach or face, if a paper wins a slap is usually apllied to the opponet's face, while scissors is usually a poke to the or chest or is considered 'null' and nothing happens.

A man died when he tried settling a dispute using extreme rock, paper, scissors.

by Zomby_Woof January 30, 2005

17๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

Strip Rock, Paper, Scissors

Best game ever. Period.

We played a quick game of strip rock, paper, scissors, and before we knew it, we were completely nekkid.

by jackerman August 22, 2008

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rock-paper-scissors logic

1. A flawed method of reasoning which states that if one thing can beat another, and that second thing can beat another thing, then the first thing can beat the third. In reality there are far too many factors involved for that to be consistantly true. It is ironicly named after the popular game of rock-paper-scissors which is a clear example of how it is faulty.

"Well, Link is powerful enough to defeat Ganon and Ganon was powerful enough to conquer Hyrule, so Link could conquer Hyrule too!" "No way. Stop using rock-paper-scissors logic."

by Zaenos June 24, 2006

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