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Rumor day

November 14 RUMOR DAY
a currently circulating story or report of uncertain or doubtful truth

“Did you hear Jessica and Jeremy are dating”
“Where did you hear that”
“Josh told me it was rumor day

by JupXiter October 12, 2019

walsh rumor

A rumor or gossip started and/or spread around yet everyone knows it's either false or partly false.

Pretty much, false.

Guy 1: Hey, did you hear Susie fucked Mark?

Guy 2: Nah, man that's a walsh rumor.

by Walleh May 1, 2010

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rumor monger

Someone who actively seeks out and spreads rumors.

Neecholas is a total rumor monger, he digs up dirt on everyone.

by Relin July 26, 2007

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Rumor weed

Where oh where do i begin. Throughout time the rumor weed has terrorized the city of Bumsleburgh spreading rumors throughout its inhabitants. Once defeated by the renown batman like hero, "LARRY BOY" the rumor weed has escaped and moved into the lower Hudson valley of New York. Now the rumor weed is headed to be the biggest meme in all of instagram and might overflow to all social media platforms such as KIK and LIKIDEN. If you haven't heard of this weed you should go follow him on Instagram @I.AM.THE.RUMOR.WEED. she now takes the faces of well known people like Queen Elizabeth and so on. You will not be disappointed. If you look at this and don't follow the rumor weed she will find you and will rape you. She might also send INCEST CHILLI after you so watch out. #rumorsquad

Guy: Have you heard of INCEST CHILLI?
DUDE: you're gay
MAN: Have you guys heard of the Rumor Weed?
Guy and Dude: *stops following INCEST CHILLI and follows the rumor weed*
MAN: *Ascends into rumor weed heaven for spreading the good word*

by the rumor weed February 14, 2019

Rumored Alone

1. a crazy cool band
2. sex gods

-wow have you heard this amazing band RUMORED ALONE??

-no, i dont think i have

-bummer your missing out, 'Teamwork Makes the Dream Work' is the best song ever

-oh so where can i hear Rumored Alone

-you should check em outt.... www.myspace.com/rumoredalone

by trej;khbdp gfDKSL; April 21, 2008

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rumor tease

When someone won't tell you a rumor about you just to hold it over your head, but they brought it up in conversation.

Lateesha: "Hey Ryan, I won't date you because there's this rumor going around about you."

Ryan: "What is it?"

Lateesha: "I can't tell you because I want to hold it over your head lol"

Ryan: "pce bits" -- you're a rumor tease

by Jesse M! February 25, 2014

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toilet rumor

Passing gossip while on a toilet in a stall or while on the phone.

I went into the bathroom and overheard toilet rumors and farts.

by insertopinionhere[ ] May 16, 2016