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poop shute assasin

a man who impregnates male or female ass holes without giving prior warning to the owner of the said ass hole

oops wrong hole ..... i.e. sorry pet I seem to have hit your poop shute...... that idiot was just a poop shute assasin

by shelly suck off October 25, 2009

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Cant really give a definition, more like a story. So your fucking a girl and you have no condom and you dont feel like getting her pregnant so what do ya do? Poopshutemagoo!

Baby, Let me Poopshutemagoo.

by Mr.Finger December 1, 2003

9👍 9👎

dookie shute

The anal cavity.

Let me put it in your Dookie Shute!!

by Mikey Mayhem August 3, 2017


Your best friend that calls herself belle. She will always answer your calls and is never afraid of anything. She is decisive and once she makes up her mind of switching schools. She will.

I am so lucky to have a friend like SHUTING

by Chairperson November 24, 2021


in chinses its called because a proper women

ummm hi im shuting????

by May 6, 2022


When someone takes a shunk then a Cute

i took a shute today

by Wink2People October 27, 2017