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The act of shoving one's dildo in and out of the pee hole on a man's penis!

"the most fucked up thing ever", the act of sandboxing, sandbox, sandboxer, he's been sandboxed
Used in sentenced:
I have been sandboxing all night.

by sahtan October 13, 2007

33πŸ‘ 20πŸ‘Ž


A probationary period for web sites that begins after they are first spidered by search engines. The best-known sandbox is Google's.

Other industries are also beginning to describe probationary periods as sandboxes too.

Your site ranks well in MSN already, but Google put you in the sandbox. Be sure to play nice.

by Downstrike September 11, 2006

50πŸ‘ 40πŸ‘Ž


intr v, 1. To exhibit signs of having sand in one's vagina. Derived from the noun "sandbox", roughly translating to "sandy vagina."

Bill would get more work done if he would quit sandboxing about working on Saturday.

by j$-allstar June 4, 2010

9πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž


Iraq. Big-ass sandy place where the US gov't sends good men to kill bad men.

My cuz is playing in the sandbox right now. His favorite toy is his AR, his least favorite are the IEDs.

by ayemcee November 26, 2007

22πŸ‘ 31πŸ‘Ž


A female who is irritable/angry due to an itchy vagina. Variation on the Cartman quote: "Don't worry about Kyle, he's just got some sand in his vagina"

Kath went off at me for no reason. She's being such a sandbox, it's like a desert down there.

by Stçggs September 11, 2006

22πŸ‘ 32πŸ‘Ž


a dickeye.

This term originated from a porno clip from the internet called "kids in a sandbox" where a woman is ramming a large white vibrator into the urethra of her partner. * This term may also be used as fighting words.

example a.
There is a fish in the Amazon River that swims in your sandbox and can't get out, so it is very painful!

example b.
"fuck you in your sandbox!"

by Sarah Logan-Price May 22, 2009

9πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž

The Sandbox

Inadvertent herpes while sitting on a barstool at the boardwalk in Pensacola.

While at Alvin’s Island, a hooker covered in glazed dick-resin, after she experienced the rusty pelican and while inadvertently being introduced to the salty-snowball, this old women, whom I thought was a barstool, gave me herpes on the boardwalk in Pensacola (The Sandbox).....

by Thepubfucks August 6, 2018

3πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž