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A step that a girl doesn't have to take with any requirement or effort.

I am your seducti0n, and his seducti0n and I'm very good at it with no effort put into it. I am definately your seducti0n

by The Names Flo March 22, 2004

80๐Ÿ‘ 106๐Ÿ‘Ž


When someone wants you.

Im so seductive she wants my balls.

by John February 15, 2005

238๐Ÿ‘ 423๐Ÿ‘Ž


The way of which Ben James' package dangles, making all girls wet, and all men hard.

"Shit, that guy's seduction has turned me into a quivering whore for a jab from his pork-sword!"

by LORD HELL FEAR BLOOD March 17, 2003

41๐Ÿ‘ 106๐Ÿ‘Ž


A type of medicine, usually some sort of mild hallucinogen, that induces a low resistance to seduction. Formed from Seductive + Sedative

man 1: Did you do her?
man 2: Yeah... I probably shouldn't have, but i was on seductatives!

by John J Lannon January 16, 2009

2๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

Cerebral Seduction

The act of seducing someone using intelligence and wit, rather than looks and flattery.

Cerebral seduction transpired via his unique perspective on the Middle East conflict and his witty retorts to the peanut gallery, who disagreed with his viewpoint.

by Fi-Toronto September 10, 2009

Seduction Reduction

This word concisely explains the process in which a woman reduces a man's thought processes and willpower to a level she can control by her practice of the seductive 'arts.' This is a low form of exercising control/influence over others and is primarily engaged in by women with little to no self-respect, and no respect for the man in question.


Raquelle: What's up with Johnathan? It's like his logic hopped the first train out of town! He is going against everything he ever said he wanted in a woman. He acts like "Monsieur Love," yet he has nothing to demonstrate concrete reasons for this change of mindset.

Michael: I've thought about that, read the signs... and between the lines... and firmly believe he is a victim of seduction reduction.

Raquelle: Ah, me! To be reduced so small my something that promises much but leaves emptiness in the end! May he come to his senses yet!

by Belch Queen June 17, 2019

pug seduction

A type of seduction that is frankly not seductive but is more of a joke or a prank.

I walked in on something that struck me as more of a pug seduction than a real attempt to get me into the sack!

by Dr Bunnygirl November 19, 2019

11๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž