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One of the best Latin artists ever. She was the first woman to become a Tejano singer, which consisted of men. Her band consisted of her family, friends, and husband, Chris Perez. She sold many record world wide....She was killed by her fan club president on March 31, 1995, but her music and memory lives on...

Some of Selena's best songs were Dreaming of You, Coma la flor, amor prohibido, and bidi bidi bom bom.

by gunslingergirlvy_c_e November 8, 2005

900๐Ÿ‘ 501๐Ÿ‘Ž


Selena is simply a name given to a beautiful person, but has a much deeper meaning.

Doctor: What will you name the child?

Mother: Selena-

Mother: Selena for her beautiful eyes.

by ALEXISOPEANUT December 31, 2019

6๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž


Usually a sweet looking girl. Usually with black or dark hair. Hopeless romantic. Very emotional. Can be on the naughty side. This girl is here to have fun and get her fairy tale. Be aware of Selena. She may look sweet and fun but when it comes to boys she will stab you in the back with a knife if your not her best friend. She will say what she needs and do what she needs to get get you as far away from her man or her crush. Don't be surprised if she tells you one thing and the guy the other. And if you do get on her bad side she will make sure to destroy your reputation. This girl can never be fully trusted by another girl.

Well Selena doesn't want me and him to be so close anymore, or at all....it sucks

by BlueNavy July 12, 2011

320๐Ÿ‘ 213๐Ÿ‘Ž



Selina is the most incredible girl you will ever be lucky enough to meet. Kind, generous, incredibly intelligent, absolutely stunning (even though she says she isn't), and the perfect girlfriend.

Her smile could light up any room she happens to be in, and when you've touched her heart, she would do absolutely anything to make you happy.

If you're ever lucky enough to get a girl like Selina, never ever let her go, and treat her well, because she will be the best thing that could ever happen to you.

One day, she will make an amazing mother, and a brilliant wife. For an alternative definition, see 'perfection'. <3
#beautiful #kind #perfect #amazing #girlfriend

I think this is the perfect girl Selena

by Chocolate chip cookies January 18, 2017

15๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž


Smart , funny , and always having fun. Alil thick issa keeper will keep you happy no matter what. Alil bipolar not to much tho. 5"3 likes to crack jokes with her friends neva dull.

Selena litty . She said that's for not texting her bk nigga.

by Luhshortiie August 16, 2017

9๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž


A famous movie star in Gone With The Mind. Her character is a leading role that ends up in a straight jacket institutionalized. After she's released from the mental ward, she simply goes back to her old ways of bar hopping, fist fights with a figment of her imagination, and sometimes will throw blows with grown men. The movie ends with her reinstitutionalized from having yet another fight with a figment of her imagination. Her condition is also known as bat shit crazy.

"I can't stand your ex, I'm gonna kick her ass!", said Selena. "Who? There's no one there and why do you insist on being bat shitty crazy?", said her petrified boyfriend of less than 2 weeks.

by Raiders!!!!!!! April 2, 2011

149๐Ÿ‘ 157๐Ÿ‘Ž


Selena Quintanilla was an immensely talented, Grammy-winning Tejano singer from Corpus Christi, TX, who learned Spanish phonetically as a teen. She was a rising star in the Latin music world and was about to crossover to the pop mainstream with an English album, when she was gunned down by an obsessed fan at a Corpus Christi Days Inn in March of 1995. Selena was only 23. Jennifer Lopez got her big break portraying Selena in a biopic titled SELENA. Her music continues to sell and thousands of fans still visit her statue and museum in Corpus. She also happens to be Selena Gomez's namesake.

Selena is the only reason J.Lo is famous.

by Lizard_King101 July 15, 2010

154๐Ÿ‘ 173๐Ÿ‘Ž