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To practice the excercise of sitting up will having the feeling of wanting to poop, or doing sit-ups while deficating in the exact spot in which the sit-ups are being performed.

"Randy and I went to the gym and boy did I have a major case of the shit-Ups!"

by Krusty Krab Rapist May 31, 2015

3๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

Fucking shit up

To make a bad situation worst.

Stop fucking shit up, he's already got a knife in his neck.

by Emoske January 25, 2011

28๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

knuck shit up

What you say when you fist pound someone after they say something absolutely great

-derived from the term "gimme some knucks" (as in knuckles)

created by a freshman at Grafton High School '09

"Yo I got mad booty last night with this chick I've never met, it was great!"
"Knuck shit up to that brotha!"

by tfitz15 December 7, 2009

fuckin shit up

when your about to disrupt the normal flow of things.

definition: i'm bout' to go to work and start fuckin shit up.

synonyms: disruptive, chaotic.

by tobe.stye January 5, 2017

Shitting up a storm

When you poop more so than a normal amount on a given sitting or pooping so much throughout the day.

Me: I shouldn't eaten those two burritos last night. I'm just shitting up a storm-I already pooped an ungodly amount twice this morning. I feel bad for my toilet.

by mitch_southpaw March 18, 2018

tear that shit up

To fuck a bitch real hard. To have wild, rough sex with a girl.

*sees hot girl* ''man im gonna tear that shit up boi!''

by beetch November 30, 2004

188๐Ÿ‘ 40๐Ÿ‘Ž

fuck shit up

1. to create disorder (best in public)
2. make a bad mistake

lets fuck shit up!
oh no! i've fuck shit up

by ttt November 21, 2004

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