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douche skidoo

A highly trained douche with history of fraudalant behavior and cowardly like attitude

That guy over there is a total douche skidoo, he can't get no ladies

by Porntina October 20, 2015


Canadian slang for one night stand.

"Last night I dragged a chick home from the bar for a spew-and-skidoo. No I won't be seeing her again unless I fall into a vat of tequila".

by jakestewartfxt July 27, 2012


Canadian winterized version of dine-and-dash. For those of us who are to cheap to pay our restaurant bill, and chose to run out the door.

"Dude, I didn't bring any money to pay for my burger; let's chew-and-skidoo

by jakestewart February 23, 2011

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skidoo drunk

To be too drunk to walk but driving a skidoo.

To be completely wasted but convinced that you can still perform some common task.

He stumbled into the party skidoo drunk and tried to change the disks in the karaoke machine.

When I hear of another death on the trails I often wonder if the skidoo driver was merely drunk, or was skidoo drunk.

by wrenchmonkey67 February 6, 2010

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28 Skidoo

The Skidoo part comes from a town. In 1906, two prospectors got lost in rare Death Valley fog while enroot to Harrisburg. They stumbled across gold-bearing ledges. The town of Skidoo formed around this area and in 1906 the Skidoo post office was opened. By 1907 Skidoo had more that 500 residents. By 1917 one mine is reported to have produced 1.5 million in gold. Today no structures remain, only a few fallen buildings and the ruins of the stamp mill as well as a few graves. The "28" part may refer to something significant the town provided for the rest of the world. Soon, It became a nonsense saying popular form 1920 to around the 50s.

"28 Skidoo" (28 Skidoo is usually proclaimed to be silly or funny.)

by Major Mandess August 11, 2003

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23 Skidoo

A nonsense phrase used in the 20s. See 28 Skidoo. Usually a positive thing.

"23 Skiddoo!" said the flapper as she checked out the guy in the zoot suit.

by Athene Airheart March 16, 2004

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giver skidoo

a term used by people who think they are cool but in reality are not cool at all

related terms are swag, yolo, and gay boi

"EEEHHHH giver skidoo baudeyyyy"

by Si Robertson March 26, 2013

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