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Plural of Smarty

a bunch of smarties
Today i met with a group of tech smarties at the mall.

by Kessy Asuamah February 9, 2017

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A smarty is a smart person.

Hey, you know him? He's a smarty.

by Ninja Clan Lord January 30, 2017

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Street name for Adderall, or amphetamine salts.

The drug and the candy look similar, but the drug actually makes you smart.
--Started by S.C. from Philly

"Yo lemme cop a smarty off you, tryna ace these finals."
"I like takin smarties when I drink, makes me feel invincible"

by steevcee September 21, 2015

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Colorful candy great for smoking and getting high with friends at church camp.

Me: Hey Sam! Wanna go smoke some smarties with me?

Sam: I don’t know, I don’t wanna get caught by pastor Joe..

by LitFAM1719 February 9, 2018

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always into a good BBC, very desperate, likes thicc boys with nut bushes, is into DILF's.

that smarty chick, loves a good sugar daddy with BBC's

by yazzy&baz February 26, 2019


A candy that's actually just legal cocaine, You can even snort it.

Some Dude: Hey! You got the smarties?
You: Yea
Both: *Snorts Smarties*

by Lilkii December 2, 2018


Another word for a study pill (aka modafinil) ('Smart'ies)

Wagwan, you got any smarties g.
Bro you taking any smarties before the exam.

by ScandalouslySuave May 31, 2018