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A snake is someone who you think is really nice and kind to your face, but then turns out to stab you in the back.
Someone who acts like your best friend, but who actually is the opposite.

Did you hear what Charlotte said about Chloe?
Oh my gosh! Yes she is such a Snake

by I'm anonymoose November 2, 2015

15πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


Totally badass character from the Metal Gear Solid saga.

Snake? Snake??? SNAAAAAAKE!!!

by Kendahlgirlc October 26, 2009

837πŸ‘ 524πŸ‘Ž


Someone who is fake, keeps secrets from their friends and only cares about their own self-interests.

Bruh, that bitch is such a snake, she don’t give a fuck about her friends.

by Captain Davy Jones February 13, 2018

17πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž


(verb, noun, adj.) - An ill but intentional act to satisfy one's desire/amusement at the expense of others

1. I am feeling lonely tonight, let's go to the bar and snake!

2. Dougie's lack of poker skill is written all over his face. Whenever he steps into the poker room, the pros want to snake him for all his money

3. Chowder is called a snake by many of his ex-girlfriends. He is a hit and run type of guy.

by Tamtalizied July 30, 2009

44πŸ‘ 22πŸ‘Ž


A man who will go to extreme lengths to hook up with a girl. There is simply nothing a snake won't do in order to get a girl. No mountain too high or valley too low will stop a snake. A snake will steal a girl from his best friend or worst enemy with no distinction. He is driven only by the need for pussy and the desire for butt stuff.

Peter: "Hey John what'd you do last night?"
John: "I just watched some Netflix then rode my back 18 miles to snake my older sister's friend."

Davis: Yo Austin what was Tallis doing last night?
Austin : I think your gonna be pretty upset. Pretty sure I saw him snaking with your sister while she was on her period. Kids sucha snake.

Tallis: Hey Sara, do you know what happens to a mouse?
Sara: what?
Tallis: it gets eaten by the snake.

Kyle: Hey Peter, how was last night?
Peter: It was good,I snaked with that girl at the party. Then I snuck out and walked a few miles to snake with another girl. She had the flu but hey it didn't stop me. Just a snake taking advantage of it's prey.

"Austin received an unexcused absence because he was snaking with a teacher"

by Pwass September 17, 2014

31πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž


1. A serpent-like individual who stops at nothing to fulfill her own motives, while usually under the disguise of being considerate to others.

2. The Queen of Facebook.

3. Mona.


Alan sees snake and lifts heavier weights

by sssssssssssssssssssssnake October 10, 2010

84πŸ‘ 51πŸ‘Ž


A person who has been helped or aided by others and then when asked to return the favour stabs them in the back, or doesn't feel the need to return the favour.

Taylor: Hey man you coming to Colchester?
MrAz: Nah allow you, I aint giving you nothing on cabal and ima go Kingston allow you
Taylor: Your such a snake
MrAz: And what? Im IMurder I do what I want

by TokenBlackGuy2314 May 27, 2013

22πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž