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Someone who gives up incriminating evidence to people they have no business talking to in the first place. Some snitch because they need attention others snitch because they are scared.

97sirhb: Hey josh, did you know black ops is going to leak?

Josh: No! tell me right now who is involved and where to

find them!

97sirhb: His name is ungodly and Computer healer. I just thought you would want to know they are going to pirate black ops.

Josh: Thanks! For your snitching on your friends and the entire community I will reward you with a mustache ride and a remote control car.

97sirhb: 1337!! I am so CooL!

by raypreemz October 22, 2010

1557๐Ÿ‘ 687๐Ÿ‘Ž


one who tells or tattles and gets you in trouble

maymay snitches on terixy for having beer

by done63 October 10, 2007

56๐Ÿ‘ 18๐Ÿ‘Ž


A person who feels the need to rat others out in order to save their own skin. They are liars and tend to start conflicts between people and groups.

A snitch is the lowest form of life

by Jersey Kid November 2, 2007

161๐Ÿ‘ 68๐Ÿ‘Ž


1. Someone who freely gives up information about a friend or acquaintance to a higher authority who will use that information against said friend/acquaintance.

2. A-Mart

Cop: Who's tailgate is this?
A-Mart: It's Bret's tailgate (point finger directly at Bret)!

Innocent Bystander: A-Mart you ass-clown snitch!

by Rick_shaw April 25, 2007

865๐Ÿ‘ 516๐Ÿ‘Ž


someone who rats people out or tells on them

also see 50 cent

Yesterday that snitch billy told veronica that i was talking shit about her.

by CASSiiDySz WiiFEYY =] August 15, 2005

1859๐Ÿ‘ 1164๐Ÿ‘Ž


The lowest person on the earth a snitch is some one who tells on another person to the police,bosses,or teachers. Snitching dosent always happen in the criminal world it can also happen to the average person in the workplace. Most people snitch because they are either afraid of doing jail time or they fear of being killed, while other people snitch just to ruin someone's life this type of snitch is the worst and deserves a slow painful death.

John and Henry both work together in a warehouse one day the two get into a argument which ends with henry yelling fuck you, John cries in his mind and snitches to the boss that henry cursed him out henry gets three days suspention without pay.

Lenny- did you here that John snitched on henry for cursing him out
Jennifer- yea the little asshole got him suspended for three days without pay
Lenny- John has got no balls he could have got him fired.
Jennifer- what a snitch piece of shit

by Truth teller2828382 September 24, 2013

40๐Ÿ‘ 19๐Ÿ‘Ž


someone that tells on you for no reason other than to impress him or herself and to try to get ahead in the workplace to impress the supervisor

that guy Chris L. is a fucking snith! he went back and told the supervisor that i was a sabotager and my friend Will was A cut-throat. he also told on Steven. All that fat queer does is snitch on people to get ahead!

by phil H July 11, 2008

68๐Ÿ‘ 34๐Ÿ‘Ž