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South African Stinger

When you get stung by a wasp, take an allergex and then get headrush

Yoh dawg I got a South African stinger last Saturday

by SA stingaaa October 30, 2021

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south african shower

The act in which a female shats on your chest whilst squirting lady juices

I totally gave him a south african shower last night

by UnicornSex23 October 18, 2013

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South-African Safari

A girl with so many pubes u can even see her pussy so you must use a machete to get to the goods. Soon to find out "she" has a dick

Dude last night i picked up this whore who had so many pubes i got my grandfathers machete to cut them away but i soon found out it was a man. It was one epic South-African Safari

by RCmuffins13524 February 6, 2009

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White South African

Any White person born and raised in South Africa.

White South Africans like to live the good life, they're a calm, and welcoming ethnic minority. However, they tend to get very violent if provoked. I myself, have never seen such carnage before I went to South Africa.

A White South African can be your best friend, but if you cross them, they can be as cruel as if a group of Colombian and Russian scientists genetically engineered him/her.

Be wary of Afrikaans women especially, they tend to be crazy, all they want to do is serve you food and get pregnant.

Afrikaans men, they tend to be the racist ones of the ethnic minority. So approach those guys with caution.

All other White South Africans except the Afrikaans, are sane, and awesome people - if you stay on their good side.

I saw a guy get beaten to shit by this one dude in South Africa, something to do with a girl. I also saw this other guy get shot in the head for looking at this other dude wrong...

Guy 1: "Dude that guy is a Bad Motherfucker"

Guy 2: "You see that dude get curb-stomped?! That guy who did it must have been a"

Girl: "White South African?"

Guy 1 & 2: "Yeah"

by romplestomple March 1, 2011

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South African beer

Not really beer at all, It is just Zebra piss drank out of a vuvuzela by South African's whilst they stand around smoking vulture brains and talking about how shit their country is.

Man1: "Hey Heinrich, anymore of this warm golden South African beer to quench my thirst?"

Heinrich: "Yeh, smoking these vulture brains really makes you thirsty hey.......... by the way, how shit is our country?"

Man1: "Pretty shit indeed"

by Leeemon April 1, 2011

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South African Death Squad

Any white south african male that at some point whilst living in another country has got into a pointless fight and won dominantly.
He then proceeds to be the unofficial bodyguard of any people that he is out with.

South african death squads get exponentially more dangerous the more alcohol they consume.

A group of south african death squads will often be heard talking loudly in a fucked up language that sounds like theyre just making it up as they go along. Do not question this as this will just further enrage them.

Person 1: 'We were out last night and some guy tried to start a fight with me.

Person 2: 'Was the south african death squad with you?'

Person 1: 'Yea, he came outa nowhere and kicked living fuck out of him. Then he went and ordered another rum and coke'

by Percy Montgomery September 9, 2010

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South African Pistol Draw

To constantly have your pistol ready in your hand, to fend off murderous attackers. The South African Pistol Draw is not actually a "Draw" in the traditional sense, but rather a constant state of preparedness in an understandable and justified constant fear for your own life and the lives of your loved ones. Due to the high prevalence of violent crime in South Africa, not only is a gun a necessity; but constantly having the gun immediately available in your hand to fend off violent murderers is never a bad idea either.

Chad: "They broke into my uncle's house last night at gunpoint to murder him and rape his wife, but he "one upped" them with the South African Pistol draw!"
Vusi: "Lekker! Those fools had it coming."
Chad: "Yeah, apparently there are companies that specialize in cleaning up the mess at violent crime scenes..Big business, it happens so often."
Vusi: "Lucky your uncle knew the South African Pistol Draw, else they'd be scraping "his" brains off the walls and not the criminals.."
Chad: "Damn straight! ..And worse for my aunt.."

Kayleigh: "Guys, stop being so negatiiiiiive! This is a beautiful country and.."

Chad + Vusi: "Yes, yes, sunshine and rainbow nation! Blah blah bullshit.. It's not like the country has a Pistol Draw named after it or anything.. Right?"

by JohnDaniels May 13, 2015

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