Source Code

Specific Dick

The non-dimensionalized size of one's dick in comparison to the dick of B.Fush. One can obtain one's specific dick by the following formula:

S.D. = Your dick's erect volume / B.Fush's erect dick volume

Where the units therein can be in any consistent system of units. Similar factors can be seen in the form of the following:

Specific Dick Length
Specific Dick Mass
Specific Dick Curvature
Relative Dick Roughness

Where all the above would take on the following mathematical form:

Your dick's characteristic / B. Fusher's dick's characteristic

The one caveat to these factors is that they are always less than 1. For instance:

S.D <1

Because B. Fusher has a bigger dick than you. Always

Man, I once heard this guy say he had a Specific Dick of .963. I believed him when I saw him standing on three "legs."

by db97 March 31, 2010

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specific horn

To have the horn (/strong sexual desire) for just that one special person.

I totally have the specific horn for (insert ONE name here).

by George Nicolson August 29, 2006

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oddly specific

When someone says something as if it is vague or hypothetical, but there is an unusual amount of detail

Person 1: What if when you go over there you fall over a table and onto a chicken and then she hates you because sge is an animal loving vegetarian?
Person 2: That is an oddly specific scenario

by introvert_04 April 18, 2022

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specifically vague

Omission of specific information so that an idea can be open to interpretation.

The book's author chose to be specifically vague about the location of the fictional town.

by Trip Deezil July 11, 2008

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Specific Ocean

A guy who speaks broken english

YO wasssssssssssup Homo you are that is good you whan some good time let us go sweem in Specific Ocean

by [N A M E] January 12, 2020

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Specific name

A person that gets overly confident after going through the urban dictionary

Person 1: dude you know Specific name

Person 2: yeah

Person 1: he asked out a gender spicific person out just because something in the urban dictionary said something good about him

by Ms.pac man April 26, 2018

specific dolphin

Some bad ass manly dolphin, but not any dolphin, A Specific Dolphin.

Trent: Yo that dolphin cool as fuck.

Dylan squared: Nigga, that ain't just a ordinary dolphin, that's a specific dolphin!

by SpecificDolphin February 4, 2018