Source Code

Speeder Rule

Any time that one is in an environment where survival is possible without a shirt, the removal of the shirt is highly recommended. Should one be in an environment where acquiring a tan is physically possible, it is imperative that the shirt is removed.

Bro #1: "Dude, I think the sun is about to poke through the clouds!" (Bro removes his shirt)

Bro#2: "Dude, it's 52 degrees"

Bro #1: "Speeder Rule!"

Bro #2: (removes shirt)

by badkyle July 21, 2011

6👍 2👎

Gravity Speeder

Anyone whom is driving and cannot maintain a constant speed on the road. Their speed fluctuates with the rise and fall of the roadway annoying the shit out of everyone around them.

After passing and being passed five times on the interstate, there was no question that the asshole driving next to Dan was a gravity speeder.

by Gizzmo69 September 2, 2011

Skywalker Speeder Bike Maneuver

The Scenario: You're driving along on a relatively deserted two-lane highway, at night, in the right-hand lane. You encounter another vehicle, either behind you or in front of you, in either lane. Eventually, the other vehicle ends up in the left lane, about half a car-length behind you. If the driver had half a brain and basic knowledge of highway driving, they would either pass you, or merge behind you. Instead, it's some brain-dead moron who matches your speed exactly and stays in the same place, thus blinding you with headlights into your side-view mirror. It's especially annoying with a truck or SUV.

The Maneuver: Check your rear-view to make sure there's nobody behind you in your lane. Apply the brakes firmly; not enough to leave rubber behind, but enough for significant deceleration. If you have a manual transmission, or the fairly new "semi-automatic" or "manumatic" transmission, then you should also downshift in order to heighten the effect. The dumbass in the other lane will then fly by you. The advantages are twofold: the other driver will likely be confused about your sudden braking and worry that you saw something that they missed, and also you're now in a perfect position to aim your lights into their side-view mirror, thereby turning the tables.

The Skywalker Speeder Bike Maneuver is named in honor of Jedi Knight Luke Skywalker. In Star Wars episode VI: Return of the Jedi, he went from having two Imperial Scout Troopers on his 6 o'clock to having them at his 12 o'clock, where he quickly dispatched them.

by klopek007 April 6, 2010

39👍 323👎

speeder leader

A vehicle you can follow that goes a much higher speed then you and will help trigger the radar so you won't be the one caught speeding.

** If it wasn't for speeder leaders I'd have a ton of speedy tickets!
** Good thing I had a speeder leader, there were a lot of cops out today.

by shallister August 25, 2017

Cyber speeder

An extremely awesome Hotwheels car that uses the same engine as a Lamborghini Gallardo. If you have this car your a badass person

Yo dude i have a cyber speeder treasure hunt!

by Chexmate November 14, 2019

speeder wiener

When some guy does so much speed or coke his penis losses blood flow and shrinks down a lot till they come down.

TM is such a bitch tammy went to fuck him but his dick was only a speeder wiener pencil nub. LMAO lets go tell him its permanent.

by MiSFiT9083 September 2, 2015