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st francis de sales

a large building that specialties in child torture and manipulation, residing in the Adelaide Hills. St Francis guarantees you no individual choices, and promises to brainwash your children into brainless little clones.

Girl: so what did you so this week at st francis de sales college?
Boy: eh not much. the usual..i got raped by like 10 of my teachers

by nekodueee March 15, 2009

11👍 4👎

St Francis Borgia School

Wisconsin Catholic school where you cant get away with anything. A typical day consists of president masks, molesters down the street, sexual sounds, horrible uniforms, and perfect bitchy girls whose daddies wanted them to go to catholic school. because they are rapers.

student 1: "did you hear that kid in the back of math class in St Francis Borgia School?"
student 2: "the one pretending to "do" the teacher?"
student 1: "yeah, i cont believe the teachers arent stopping him"
Student 2: "ya i mean they deffinatly hear him. maby she wants it."

by 2010 escapers May 22, 2010

18👍 11👎

St. Francis High School

St. Francis is a small catholic high school in la canada ca
Its mascot is the Golden Knight. it is a relatively small school ranging from 130 to 160 students per grade. The school competes in the division one mission league of the cif southern secion even though the school is supposed to be in division three. It still beats the division one schools in many sports.

Hey did you hear that St. Francis High School destroyed all those D1 schools? I bet if they were in D3 they wouldnt lose a game

by A random Person5 May 22, 2011

30👍 45👎

Standard St. Francis Male

Wigger, moves his arm in a sideways motion constantly while dancing, knowm to throw up a "westside" and mouth the words to get low. also known as mister Twin

dude, see that guy over there, yeah, what the fuck is he doing, he looks just like a Standard St. Francis Male

by hellloeverybodywhysoglum February 22, 2005

3👍 6👎

St. Francis High School

Coolest school in WNY and usually shits on Canisius, St. Joe’s and any other school that is in western NY. Also some of the best all around rich kids go here as long with regular people not like the Delaware Daisies. Best Football program Varsity and JV (Jimmy “fucking” Scott) went here.

The best school to send your kids to Is St. Francis High School

by Yo mamas house November 5, 2021

1👍 1👎

St Francis Xavier catholic high school

St Francisco Christian elementary school is that really REALLY small pre school like education centre where the population is lower than a thousand. While the grade 7 and 8’s run around vaping and smoking weed, we usually get the special guest of having one police officer come to our school a day picking through some weed filled locker. The 9th graders run around aimlessly literally have no clue what the fuck they’re doing and WHO they’re doing (if I’m fact ones attractive enough to actually get some.) the grade ten’s are the very unnecessary loud kids with those occasional quiet losers who think they’re very popular. The 11 and 12’s are the exact same thing except that a couple of them wear durags trying to get their waves.

“What school do you go to?”

“St Francis Xavier catholic high school”

“Well at least you don’t go to RDHS.”

by The moth that couldn't swim May 24, 2019

St Francis High School Crestmead

This school is A VERY VERY BAD SCHOOL DO NOT GO HERE, everyone at the school is acting like they are being forced to act cool do bad things and say slang words. They play stupid games at the school such as yongo yongo means disgusting in some other language but how it starts is when you touch something disgusting you get yongo and its like a game of tag and you have to pass it on, whoever has it last at the end of the day has to get jumped by all the people who were playing the game, like full on kicked punched everything. The teachers dont care and you will get bullied if your new, its like a social hierachy and you have to be the most feared and baddest of them all to get to the top. And if you are weaker than others you WILL get picked on. Sometimes people just want to fight you if you have beef with them they will want fo fight you and say "lets run 1's" this school is very bad dont go to it.

St Francis High School Crestmead
Student 1: He had yongo last yaam

Student 2: lets beat him up
Everyone: *beats the guy up*

by thinking.. August 3, 2022