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1. To be made fun of or joked on in a manor that you did not expect or see coming.

2. To be blindsided because someone got you to look the other way.

"He totally stooged me with that joke.. I had forgotten about that"

"I looked to the right and then he slapped me from the left.. He really stooged me."

by Cody G July 20, 2007

The Stooges

One of the first punk bands. Back in the late 60's and a great band as well.

Oh I'll give you an example.

by Punk Rocker July 23, 2005

41๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž


A cigar which is bought to be smoked with tobacco or marjiuana. The fate of the stoog is determined by whether or not the holder's friend's have marjiuana.

Nick: Hey Evan, what are you doing tonight?

Evan: I don't know but I have some stoogs. Do you want to go to the jungle after school and smoke some?

Nick: Yeah, I have some weed so we can freak it.

Evan: Alright dude, sounds good. I'm down to get baked.

by Baseballer395 January 26, 2009

19๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž


A dopey person with a thick skull. Usually information goes in one ear and out the other. basicly an idiot.

emileah bitches stooge

by dictionary lady February 27, 2009

144๐Ÿ‘ 96๐Ÿ‘Ž


A stooge is a person who will try and take every dollar you have, and then save those dollars for any cause that doesnt involve giving it to friends, or family. These stooges are often in 'stooge denial'. You can spot a stooge, at events where free food is served. Stooges often attempt to think up of scams for scoring free money through friends and family. They travel in groups hoping to stooge more money, and can often be found in Mitsubishi Pajero's which run on Oil rather than petrol. They enjoy the taste of Bundaberg Rum and should be avoided where possible, unless prepared to give them money. Warning: some stooges walk among us everyday and have been trained in the art of stooging very well. so pay attention to all signs.

1. Ben didnt want to drive to the party because he is a stooge.
2. Ben stole a coca cola bike from woolworths which he said he was going to pay them $60 for. (what a stooge)
3. Ben got his Pajero rebuilt and it still goes through a litre of oil per 1000km's, thats what you get for being stooge.
4. Ben is dating a 16 year old because he is to stooge to put in effort for someone his own age.
5. Ben stooged me because i paid for lunch last time and he acts like he bought it.

by srt070 May 29, 2006

236๐Ÿ‘ 208๐Ÿ‘Ž


A term used in North East wales by some teenagers. It is another word for fag or cigarette or smoke. It is used so Adults do no understand what they are talking about. Also can be said Shtoog

1. Mike: hey, wanna come with me to the park? I've got some stoogs?

Emma: ye sure! stooging is great! i love to stoog

2. Mike: we just gonna go for a stoog! cya later!

Mother: your gonna what?

by billybobma93 December 24, 2009

6๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž


1. Someone who has the mental capacity or IQ of their shoe size.
2. An abnormally large, dopey bastard with the brain of a fly.
3.Also see Alex Glumac

"That guy's a stooge!"
"What a stooge!"

by PotatoChip March 24, 2003

94๐Ÿ‘ 107๐Ÿ‘Ž