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A whiner, of Samoan descent,that has an extremely compulsive shoe buying disorder. Everything out of her mouth starts with "freakin."

Damn, she's being such a suzie today!

by astep June 19, 2008

25๐Ÿ‘ 114๐Ÿ‘Ž


A white girl that is curious as to what it's like to be with a black man.

Girl 1 - He's cute and he's looking at you! Go talk to him!
Girl 2 - I've never dated a black guy but always wanted to.

Girl 1 - You're such a Suzie.

by October 29, 2020

3๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž


A rubber or vinyl glove guys use in jail to help themselves on a personal hand job.

Man Iโ€™m going back to my bunk to get under the covers with SUZIE!

by FamilyLoveFun June 4, 2021

1๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž


A Suzy is a rare and unique individual. Physically stunning in appearance, her outward beauty is immediately noticeable. She is taller than average, but then again, nothing about her is average. Lithe and graceful, with an infectious laugh and a smile that will cause the sensation of breaking in a mans chest, finally allowing one to understand what the movies are all talking about. Her personality envelopes you, rises to greet you, lifting you as you float in wave after wave of her. The laugh, her voice and the sense of fun and adventure and confidence she exudes is intoxicating. She has an aura of love and compassion about her. She is kind to a fault, to all animals. Even the humans. Forgiveness and faith are values and her integrity is inspiring. She often feels lost but she is loved and will be found as such. She is my favorite fucking niller of all time and she means the world to me. Shes an awesome person and everything will work out for her because God would not have brought her this far just to toss her on her head now. She is a straight gangsta with a carrot fetish. What's up doc? She will cheer you on and cheer you up. She is a best friend.

Aye niller! You ain't my Suzy so back up off me!

by kiahoyte February 27, 2019

129๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž


An amazing girl, funny, smart, beautiful. A real catch. Men swoon to her, however, she attracts all, but is attracted to few. If a suzi is into you, you should hold on tight and never let her go, because suzi's are very selective and only keep company with the best of the best.

That girl is a real suzi, you should marry her.

by Captain McAwesomeville January 25, 2011

329๐Ÿ‘ 53๐Ÿ‘Ž


A very beautiful girl with vibrant eyes and radiant skin.

My bisexual Suzi beast of a friend.

by Zeino March 8, 2009

486๐Ÿ‘ 116๐Ÿ‘Ž


Beautiful with a great personality, this person will make your heart melt.

I love my Suzy till the day I die

by gretchen December 18, 2004

1310๐Ÿ‘ 371๐Ÿ‘Ž