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Santa's Sweatshop

A collection of artist from the inland empire dedicated to the making of non-damaging, non-illegal public art.

cobraRed: Hey Juevos, let's go do some Santa's Sweatshop with chalk spray paint!

Juevos: Forshizle!

by Juevos and cobraRed December 21, 2006

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White Collar Sweatshop

An office populated by so-called white collar professionals who are forced to work not only during regular hours, but also at home, in the evenings, weekends, holidays and “vacations” in order to complete projects on time – this only to receive more projects with even more ridiculous deadlines. Often these deadlines are so tight because of the poor planning and shortsightedness of management. Management justifies this slave driving by paying these workers in the neighborhood of $70,000 a year, which is less than 1% of the company’s total revenue.

Man Jeff is always working, he barely gets any time with his family." "Yeah but he makes like $70,000 a year so that's the trade off." "I thought he went to college so he WOULDN'T have to work hours like that." "No he went to college so he could work in a white collar sweatshop.

by MastaRoe April 24, 2011

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When you purchase an item of clothing or footwear from a retailer that you had always previously trusted to provide a minimum standard of quality but when you get home, a detail - such as a button, a buckle or a zip comes off in your hand before you’ve even had a chance to wear it.

A - Hey, aren’t you going to wear those new boots you got today?
B - Oh man, I’ve been sweatshopped. I’ve tried to do them up and the zip came off in my hand.

by Stivchik April 27, 2019