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Cranial Arteries

Little red tubes going through your brain that allow substances to be transfered there causing one to become intoxicated.

dude, theres a good amount of thc going through your cranial arteries

by straight prose man April 22, 2011

1๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

Carotid artery location

Your exact location

i am in 16 james millen Rode

by patel October 8, 2003

11๐Ÿ‘ 20๐Ÿ‘Ž

A triple well-done cinderblock of artery clogging goodness.

A Egg McMuffin from McDonald's.

Phil: Wow, I just had a triple well-done cinderblock of artery clogging goodness.

Dave: So you stopped by McDonald's this morning?

Phil: You know it!

by bloodi x wolf December 15, 2010

4๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

Artery Spob

Can be shortened to a.spob. Person who is unfortunate enough to discover artery or other ofal item still attached to thier steak in a restaurant. Discovery usually results in mass heaving.

Hey there Artery Spob what's that with your steak there. How was your steak last night Artery Spob? Letters can also be addressed to a.spob or you can call the unfortunate And ask is that mr/mrs a.spob?

by Cheekytyke July 27, 2010

Peripheral Artery Disease

Noun (Also know as: P.A.D. ) Peripheral Artery Disease is a circulatory condition in which narrowed blood vessels reduce blood flow to the limbs.
Peripheral vascular disease is a sign of fatty deposits and calcium building up in the walls of the arteries (atherosclerosis). Risk factors include aging, diabetes, and smoking.

Wow my lower legs really ache for no reason, even when laying down. Probably because of Peripheral Artery Disease. Fuck.

by Mr. Wanna October 28, 2021

arteries man

a man who can, and will, close your arteries and will have his arteries closed

Non Cool Man: "Hey, who's Arteries Man?"
Cool Man: "He's gonna close your arteries."
Non Cool Man: "Wha--" *Dies from arteries being closed*

by MyArteriesAreClosing April 19, 2021

Main Artery

The Stretch Of Garvey Ave. In El Monte, Ca. From Mountain View Rd. Up To Rosemead Blvd.

Im over here on the main artery

by Mickkie January 8, 2018