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Probably the most amazing people person you could ever meet. Probably the most beautiful girl ever, appearance and her personality. She's so delicate and soft, I don't know who would ever try to hurt her...ever. Her smile is so genuine and so sweet you will replay the time you made her smile every day. It's even worse when she laughs. She has the most beautiful laugh it feels so amazing you will get to make her feel happy. Extremely forgiving and understanding, she can be a a little shy at first but will eventually be open and comfortable with you it's gonna be amazing. You can't miss out on her..not her. You look at Tess and you know you can't just forget her. Truly an angel. You'll get lost in her eyes and fall in love all over again.

Tess is truly angelic, you won't find someone like her just anywhere.

by aivan :D March 12, 2022


A girl, often with brown hair and hazel eyes. She has many close friends and loves being with them. A Tess doesn’t always open up straight away, but will when she gets to know someone. She has many hobbies and often finds herself very busy and sometimes it can be hard to do things with her. But you should make an effort because Tesses are definitely worth it. They can keep secrets and are someone you can tell anything to. They sometimes feel sad and left out quite easily so you should always try and include them in things Tesses get told that they are ‘cute’ and ‘pretty’. They always disagree because they are very modest. Some people say Tesses are hard work sometimes but are definitely good people.

‘I just met a girl called Tess, she seems so kind and down to Earth.’

by some random name June 27, 2018

7👍 1👎


Fun energetic friend, loving to EVERYONE, BEAUTIFUL, never want to get on her bad side. if u do ur Fucked.... trust me Ik wht I'm talking about I have a friend named Tess so that's how ik. once she finds someone she really likes she will do anything to get him to be hers... nomatter wht she has to do. she's the life of a party without her ur party sucks, so if u don't know a Tess go out and find one and if you love her don't let her go. oh and she acts stupid but she's not. she's trying to get attention and she's NOT A SLUT SHES JUST A JEALOUS PEROSN.

she is such a Tess

by frenchie465 February 26, 2015

22👍 9👎


An incredibly sassy person. Sweet on the surface, but secretly evil. Can get away with anything by smiling. Very clumsy, but that makes her all the more lovable and she knows it. Good person to have on your side. Tess is derived from Theresa, and translates to "The Harvester." As in, the harvester of souls. For real, she will eat you alive. Good luck.

No, Tess cannot lead a coup to take over the government.

by Terry Rowen November 19, 2016

17👍 7👎


A person who is a person who likes candy and has fair dark hair. She likes YouTube, and annoying her elder sister. She is into looking good and makeup and beautiful in the inside and the outside and she is always hyper and exited.

Tessa was running the ferries wheel at the Ohio state fair better than anyone, did I mention it was when it was when she was asleep.

by Master of the internet June 30, 2017

4👍 1👎


really funny and cool, lots of energy. bright ginger hair, LAD!!!!!! Uber sexy

Boy1: Is that tess
Boy2: wow she's so fit

by Urbandicionarylover;) April 4, 2016

4👍 1👎


A fun and creative person that is PERFECT, guys if you know a Tess make your move. Tesses are amazing story tellers and feel that they always need to share their personal lives. She comes off stupid and unaware of EVERYTHING and always just passes tests by a few points. But in reality most are just a character and are actually very smart. Did I mention that their AMAZING in bed like AMAZING. She's not a slut but will do what ever you want her to... Whenever you want... She's a little strange when you first meet her but if you give her a second chance everybody loves a Tess so don't judge her. Shes nice to everybody but don't get on her bad side for its hard to get off. their beautiful but like to hide it by not brushing their hair and wear little makeup. Lol jk as I said their just a character and lots of them have had many tragic events happen to them and are often suisidal and have issues. All in all tesses are really hot girls with crazy and loud personalitys but don't forget that she's a Total SLUT lol but get to know a Tess and she will find trust in you, just a tip :)

Tess- potatoes are cool

by Lamps are blue November 10, 2013

26👍 18👎