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Banana Lifter

A Cock tease

That girl that i went home with last night was a banana lifter.

by BDizzle82 May 17, 2009

social lifter

A person who spends an inordinate amount of time in the gym for the purposes of meeting new people, catching up with friends, and filling up his spank bank. Though difficult to identify, this person will typically perform only one set of an exercise, stand up to stretch, and walk around the gym looking for someone to hit up.

James: I wish that social lifter would stop bogarting the flat bench.

Kevin: He's not just a social lifter, he's a social liftard. Check it, I'll chat him up, you steal the bench.

by Tuck Rollinsmith April 24, 2008

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Blanket Lifter

A 'Blanket Lifter', is the term given to the fiercely powerful fart in bed that has the power to raise aloft the bed sheets much to the disdain of the partner laying akin.

What the fuck did you do that for?? You scared me AND the dog (Which shot clean off the bed and into the hall yelping!!!) Next time you need a blanket lifter go to the fucking toilet you dirty bastard, you nearly had my eye out!

by TheCorrectKnowledge March 29, 2020

Based Lifter

A Based Lifter is a beast lifter who is also Based and Epic. The CEO of Based Lifters is Logan Rees He's the most based person ever and an absolute Animal in the gym.

That is so based!!! He is a Based Lifter!! FUAHHHH!!!

by Based Lifter!!! April 22, 2021

desk lifter

n. A rather fine young female teacher who, upon bending down to pick up the chalk can cause 30 desks to be raised simultaneously .

That's what I go to school for! :D - A particularly bad song about a desk lifter

by Rob Marliski October 23, 2006

Lifter's Leak

A condition experienced during a workout caused by lifting heavy weights. Generally, occurs when performing squats. Lifter's Leak transpires when the weight being lifted offsets the ability to keep one's sphincter clamped shut. As a result, more energy and focus is required to lift the weight resulting in a momentary of loss of control of the anal sphincter during which time flatulence or a combination of flatulence and feces will leak out. The lifter will generally react by quickly clamping the sphincter muscle to permit only a minor release. However, this is often results in a prompt termination of the workout or worse, complete loss of control of the weights being lifted.

During his early morning workout, Juan regretted his prior evening out on the town whereby he consumed copious amounts of fresh oysters and Pabst Blue Ribbon beer. During the third rep of his squat routine, Juan lost control and suffered from Lifter's Leak. To prevent a full on shart, Juan slammed the weights to the floor and quickly ran to the locker room ending his routine prematurely.

by Eaton Holgoode April 4, 2013

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shirt lifter

British urban slang for a male homosexual who lifts his shirt to enable sexual access to another of the same sex anal intercourse.

Oy! He looks to be a bit of a shirt-lifter to me mate!

by Smokey March 4, 2005

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