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a hella annoying word used to label something as relatable. most commonly used by depressed middle schoolers. the term can be used for practically anything and that is why it’s a shitty joke.

girl 1: 112 people day a day from nicotine

girl 2: big mood

guy 1: i painted this picture to represent how society is obsessed with popularity
guy 2: wow mood

person 1: i saw a duck this morning

person 2: mood

by riley0 March 29, 2019

242πŸ‘ 94πŸ‘Ž


An annoying thing your friend might reply with when telling them about your problems. They think they're being cool, but actually, it makes them seem like a quirky girl. However, it usually means something relatable.

You: *cha cha slides of a cliff*
Friend: Mood.

by w-whiskers October 7, 2019

44πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž

in a mood

this phrase especially when used as 'you finna put me in a mood' or 'stoppppp you gonna put me in a mood' can mean you're funna make me mad or you giving me butterflies/ making me honry. it jus depends on the context

guy: shut up shorty for I come over there

girl: you better stomp you're putting before you put me in a mood

by mercylee43 February 2, 2020

7πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


The word white girls, thots, and fuckboys say when they can relate to something

Person 1: *walks*

by Grucified April 21, 2018

506πŸ‘ 298πŸ‘Ž


a mood is a way of expressing someone's feelings and emotions.

stacie was being very kind today and that showed that she was in a good mood.

by stacie October 22, 2003

456πŸ‘ 272πŸ‘Ž


How someone with extreme difficulty explaining their emotions attempts to explain an emotion they're having. See also: "feeling some type of way."

Person 1: Wow, it's hot outside
Person 2: (trying to determine an appropriate response) Umm... mood...?

by ThiccShady April 4, 2018

72πŸ‘ 39πŸ‘Ž


can be said in literally any situation

A: my bf and i just broke up
B: mood

by babybye July 17, 2020

9πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž